Rational treatment of acute respiratory tract infections in children as a method of antimicrobial resistance control: focus on phytotherapy

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The global increase in antimicrobial resistance requires the search for alternative treatments for infectious diseases that reduce the frequency of antibiotic use. One way to solve this problem is the use of phytopreparations created by modern standards and well studied in experimental and clinical studies. This review examines the effect of combined herbal drugs produced by phytoneering technology (Tonsilgon® N, Sinupret®, Bronchipret®) on antibiotic prescribing rates in children with acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI). The results of clinical studies show that the use of these phytopreparations in children with ARTI leads to a decrease in the frequency of prescribing antibacterial therapy.

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About the authors

I. A Dronov

Sechenov University; Children's Clinical Multidisciplinary Center of the Moscow Region

Email: dronow@yandex.ru
Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Childhood Diseases, N.F. Filatov Clinical Institute of Child Health

N. D Odinayeva

Children's Clinical Multidisciplinary Center of the Moscow Region; Pirogov Medical University


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