Ear hygiene and helping to dissolve cerumen plugs in children

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The article presents information about the ear hygiene in children, the need for the use of cerumenolytics. A review of data on the formation and treatment of cerumen plugs in pediatric practice and possible complications is discussed. The conclusion is made about the choice of medical devices and methods with a higher level of safety and a high evidence base, for example, the multifunctional otolaryngological agent for washing the ear canal A-Cerumen Plus, containing surfactants of plant origin: sodium acylsarcosinate - 15%, sucrose laurate - 5%; and excipients that promote ear hygiene in children, dissolving ear plugs and preventing their formation. The drug is indicated for children of different age groups, starting from the age of 6 months, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

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About the authors

Olga A. Egorova

Smolensk State Medical University; Smolensk Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: ola-egorova@yandex.ru
Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Smolensk State Medical University; Head of the Children’s Otorhinolaryngological Department, Smolensk Regional Clinical Hospital Smolensk, Russia

A. A Tarasov

Smolensk State Medical University

Smolensk, Russia


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