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No 8 (2009)


Bisoprolol in therapy of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease

Kirichenko A.A., Kirichenko A.A.


Beta-blockers (BB) are associated with decreasing of mortality and other cardiovascular endpoints in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), acute and chronic forms of ischemic heart disease (IHD). BB are especially effective in decreasing of fatal ventricular arrhythmias in patients with high risk of sudden cardiac death. Selective beta1-BB without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity bisoprolol is characterized by high bioavailability, long elimination half-life, well-balanced clearance. Clinical studies demonstrated positive effect of bicoprolol on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with AH and IHD.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):10-17
pages 10-17 views

Simvastatin in the treatment of atherosclerosis

Minushkina L.O., Minushkina L.O.


Statins (inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase) are the class of lipid-lowering drugs with a large amount of evidence-based data, confirming its efficiency on lipid lowering and decreasing of cardiovascular and total mortality. Statins can slow the progression of atherosclerosis, decrease coronary and periphery atherosclerosis, and also have anti-ischemic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and other effects. Now simvastatin is one of the most frequently used statins. This review summarizes data on its clinical efficiency in atherosclerosis treatment.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Pathogenetic approaches to the treatment of chronic liver diseases with the presence of intrahepatic cholestasis

Yakovenko E.P., Yakovenko A.V., Ivanov A.N., Agafonova N.A., Pryanishnikova A.S., Kagramanova A.V., Jakovenko E.P., Jakovenko A.V., Ivanov A.N., Agafonova N.A., Prjanishnikova A.S., Kagramanova A.V.


The article includes discussion of the problem of intrahepatic cholestatasis (IC), which can be the syndrome of acute and chronic liver diseases and separate disease with morphologic and biochemistry changes caused by disorders of bile outflow. The article describes the approaches to treatment using drugs affecting different stages of pathogenesis: geptral - bioactive compound and analog of natural in cellular ademetionine and ursodeoxycholic acid drugs (UAD). Geptral is a hepatoprotector with antidepressive activity and choleretic and cholekinetic action, detoxication, regeneration, antioxidant, antifibrotic and neuroprotective effects. UAD cause the decreasing of the concentration of hydrophobic bile acids in enterohepatic circulation, preventing its toxic effect on hepatocyte membranes and epithelium of biliary duct, and also have immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effect.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Group B vitamins in treatment of alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathies

Strokov I.A., Akhmedzhanova L.T., Solokha O.A., Strokov K.I., Strokov I.A., Achmedzhanov L.T., Colocha O.A., Strokov K.I.


It is describes the role of vitamins B (thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin) in the treatment of the diseases of peripheral nervous system, particularly alcoholic polyneuropathy (APN) and diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN). Using of large doses of neurotropic vitamins contained in drugs Milgamma and Milgamma compositum in patients with APN and DPN has the experimental rationale of its effects on pathogenic mechanisms of polyneuropathies. Results of many placebo controlled studies demonstrated clinical efficiency of Milgamma and Milgamma compositum in the treatment of APN and DPN.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Disturbances of lipid metabolism in pregnancy

Tkacheva O.N., Galyautdinova A.Y., Prokhorovich E.A., Mishina I.E., Torshkhoeva K.M., Tkacheva O.N., Galjautdinova A.Y., Prochorovich E.A., Mishina I.E., Torshchoeva C.M.


It describes characteristics of lipid metabolism in normal pregnancy and pregnancy, complicated by hypertension, preeclampsy and gestational diabetes. It includes the discussion of the impact of lipid profile disturbances on the cardiovascular risk and prognosis of the mother and child.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Dobutamine in the treatment of circulatory stroke

Shilov A.M., Shilov A.M.


Article describes pathogenic mechanisms of different forms of heart failure (HF), including circulatory stroke, and importance of organ microcirculatory disturbances in this disease. It gives the reasons for prescribing synthetic catecholamine dobutamine to the patients with acute HF and different types of circulatory stroke; it discusses the mechanisms of its therapeutic actions. It is underlined that dobutamine can be prescribed for the treatment of cardiogenic shock, severe HF, refractory to the treatment (especially in patients with acute myocardial infarction and after heart surgery) and severe decreasing of left ventricular function with low ejection fraction and increased filling pressure.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Chronic gastritis: diagnostics and treatment

Yakovenko E.P., Ivanov A.N., Illarionova Y.V., Agafonova N.A., Yakovenko A.V., Pryanishnikova A.S., Ivanov E.A., Illarionova Y.V., Agafonova N.A., Jakovenko A.V., Prjanishnikova A.S.


Chronic gastritis (CG) is one of the most prevalent diseases of gastrointestinal tract, which is asymptomatic in the large share of the patients. The main etiologic factor of CG is microorganism Helicobacter pylori, which persistence in gastric mucosa can cause the consequential development of chronic active inflammation, atrophy, metaplasia, metaplasi and in some cases - gastric cancer. Other forms of gastritis (autoimmune, chemical, lymphocytic and other) are rare. Treatment of CG includes the elimination of etiological factor, and if it is unknown, - on the main stages of pathogenesis and decreasing of disease symptoms. In in treatment of CG associated with Helicobacter pylori, it is preferably to use four component scheme. Therapy of other form comes down to symptoms decreasing.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Possibilities of objective improvement of the results of chronic viral hepatitis therapy with the drug Heptral

Yakovlev A.A., Kotlyarova S.I., Jakovlev A.A., Kotljarov S.I.


The problem of optimization of pathogenic and etiotropic therapy of chronic viral hepatitis is discussed. Cholestatic syndrome is one of the main manifestations of the chronic viral diseases. Article includes authors' data on the effectiveness of ademetionine (Heptral) in 53 patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C. The study showed that graded treatment with Heptral as a part of pathogenic therapy (intravenous during 10-14 day, then per os in tabulates 800 mg a day during 4 weeks) contribute to quick resolution of cholestasis. The possibilities of using Heptral in the combination with antiviral therapy in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is discussed.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Syndrome of irritable bowel in out-patient practice

Burkov S.G., Makukh E.A., Burkov S.G., Makuch E.A.


The article dedicated to the modern insight on etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and diagnostic of syndrome of the irritable bowel (SIB). It justifies the necessity of providing complex therapy of different forms of SIB with help of psychologists and psychiatrics. It describes the main methods of treatment of SIB, including probiotics such as metabolic probiotic Chilak-forte.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):60-64
pages 60-64 views

Efficacy and safety of nicorandil in patients with stable angina pectoris

Badriddinova L.Y., Yurgel' N.V., Pavlova L.I., Kukes V.G., Badriddinova L.Y., Yurgel N.V., Pavlova L.I., Kukes V.G.


It includes the results of the study of efficiency and safety of nicorandil in 30 patients with stable angina pectoris. Nicorandil is the NO-donator and K+-channels modulator. It can be prescribed to the patients when the effect of combined antianginal therapy is not sufficient. Th results showed antianginal and anti-ischemic effect of nicorandil treatment.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Initial antibacterial therapy in acute intestinal infections in children of early age

Loverdo R.G., Shtokalov K.G., Poplavskaya V.V., Novikov V.A., Loverdo R.G., Shtokalov K.G., Poplavskaya V.V., Novikov B.A.


The comparative study of the efficiency of the start antibacterial therapy of acute intestinal infections in 130 children aged from 1 month till 3 years with different forms of diarrhea syndrome by Enterofuril, furazolidone, amikasin. It was established that using Enterofuril as a start treatment of moderate and severe forms (in the combination with antibiotics) of invasive and mixed diarrhea allowed to achieve more quick effect compared with other drugs, especially concerning local disease symptoms, with minimal disturbances of microbiocenosis during the reconvalescence period. It is reasonable to include Enterofuril in start etiotropic therapy of osmolar diarrhea during first 3 days before revealing the etiologic factor of the acute intestinal infection.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):69-74
pages 69-74 views

Law aspects of medical practice in domestic legislation

Pishchita A.N., Pitchita A.N.


Laws adopted in Russia during the last 18 years mainly protect the rights of citizens the process of medical care delivery. At the same time statutory code of the professional occupation of medical workers had not been defined, there are no medical and law standards of delivering medical care, what become the bases of disturbances of the patient's rights and brining medical workers to law responsibility because of reasons which a re not associated with the quality of medical care.
Pharmateca. 2009;(8):75-79
pages 75-79 views

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