
The article presents results of open randomized prospective comparative pharmacoeconomic study in parallel groups, which compared results of treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency by two various preparations of pancreatine - enteric-coated pellets and microtablets in equivalent doses of lipase (not less than 100,000 units of lipase per day). More modern microtablet drug Ermytal showed clear clinical benefits. Despite the higher cost of microtablet pancreatine, costs for pain relief and jugulation of manifestation of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency were lower by 339 and 463 rubles per patient, respectively. The use of microtablet pancreatine reduces the cost of illness by 1.3 times compared with the use of tablet pancreatine, significantly increasing the quality of life of patients. Therefore, the use of microtablet polyenzyme drugs despite their greater cost is more profitable.


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