Narusheniya protsessov mikrotsirkulyatsii v kozhe pri zabolevaniyakh perifericheskogo sosudistogo rusla


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The skin is the most affordable and convenient objective for non-invasive study of microcirculation in humans. The development of modern technology has led to a number of new and promising methods for noninvasive assessment of microcirculatory blood flow in humans - laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), computer capillaroscopy (CCS), high-frequency Doppler ultrasound, etc. Data from LDF and CCF suggest the following: microcirculation of the skin can reflect the state of microcirculatory processes in other organs and systems. The assessment of microcirculatory blood flow in the skin of the lower extremities, susceptible to both arterial and venous circulation disorders are of particularly interest. Actovegin is one of the drugs, which allow to compensate the disturbance of microcirculation in vascular diseases of lower limbs of different etiology.

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