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编号 12 (2013)


LARC - metody pervogo vybora v profilaktike nezhelatel'noy beremennosti i povtornogo aborta

Dikke G.


The review presents the results of studies on the most preferred methods of contraception for women after termination of unwanted pregnancies published in the last 5 years, and justification of recommendations based on their evidence. According to most researchers, post-abortion methods of «first choice» are long-acting reversible methods of contraception (LARC), such as implants and intrauterine devices. Their application is recommended immediately after abortion, including medical abortion, that promotes adherence to the method and reduction of number of unwanted pregnancies without increased risk of complications compared with delayed application.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Postkoital'naya kontratseptsiya

Manusharova R., Cherkezova E.


Postcoital or emergency contraception is a single contraception aimed at the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, which is not suitable for permanent use. At the same time, in certain situations, emergency contraception is the only way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and prevents abortion. The article describes the currently used methods of postcoital contraception.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Estrogeny i kostnaya tkan'

Smetnik V., Smetnik A.


In physiology and pathophysiology of bone tissue, systemic and local factors play an important role. The article presents information on the role of estrogen in the function of bone tissue. Some issues of the etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnostic principles of postmenopausal osteoporosis are discussed. With regard to current views on the impact of the combined treatment and monotherapy with estrogen on bone mineral density and fracture risk, problems of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis are considered.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Kontratseptsiya v svete sotsial'nodemograficheskikh realiy: preimushchestva kombinatsii khlormadinona atsetata i etinilestradiola kak metoda gormonal'noy kontratseptsii

Yaglov V.


In the variable socio-demographic circumstances, special attention should be given to preserving women’s reproductive health. The most important task is to prevent abortions and related complications, solution of this task is impossible without the use of contraception, including hormonal contraception. The advantages of hormonal oral contraceptives are discussed on the example of a combination of chlormadinone acetate and ethinyl estradiol.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):22-30
pages 22-30 views

Narusheniya protsessov mikrotsirkulyatsii v kozhe pri zabolevaniyakh perifericheskogo sosudistogo rusla

Fedorovich A., Bagdasaryan A., Uchkin I., Zudin A.


The skin is the most affordable and convenient objective for non-invasive study of microcirculation in humans. The development of modern technology has led to a number of new and promising methods for noninvasive assessment of microcirculatory blood flow in humans - laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), computer capillaroscopy (CCS), high-frequency Doppler ultrasound, etc. Data from LDF and CCF suggest the following: microcirculation of the skin can reflect the state of microcirculatory processes in other organs and systems. The assessment of microcirculatory blood flow in the skin of the lower extremities, susceptible to both arterial and venous circulation disorders are of particularly interest. Actovegin is one of the drugs, which allow to compensate the disturbance of microcirculation in vascular diseases of lower limbs of different etiology.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Opyt primeneniya preparata Ingaron® (interferon gamma chelovecheskiy rekombinantnyy) v lechenii luchevykh tsistitov, soprovozhdayushchikhsya gematuriey

Kaprin A., Kostin A., Semin A., Nesterov P.


Radiation therapy of the pelvic organs may be accompanied by the development of radiation reactions and bladder complications. Clinical manifestation of radiation cystitis is similar to that of banal cystitis. According to the data of some authors, the frequency of hemorrhagic cystitis induced by radiation therapy varies from 5,7 to 11,5 % and can appear from 2 months to 10 years after radiation exposure. Currently, immunomodulating drugs with multipurpose activity are widely used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, including radiation-induced disorders. The use of interferon-Y Ingaron® has a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of complex forms of late hemorrhagic radiation cystitis.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Kontratseptsiya: novye grani profilakticheskikh effektov

Prilepskaya V., Novikova E.


The article discusses the role of folic acid, which significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in the period of conception. Studies have shown that combined oral contraceptives (COCs) with folate significantly increase the levels of folate in the body. The main purpose of the new direction of contraception is prevention of fetal malformations that will be achieved by increase of folate levels in women of reproductive age against the background of contraception and after its abolition by receiving folate-containing contraceptives. Therefore, the amount of folate contained in the COC with folate reduces the risk of NTDs in the case of pregnancy during use of the drug or just after discontinuation of its use. Thus, currently, only taking contraceptives with folate, without other folate supplementation, a woman can receive a sufficient dose of folate for later conceiving a healthy child, making a contribution to the health of future children and protecting them from congenital defects associated with NTDs.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Ot aborta k sokhraneniyu reproduktivnogo zdorov'ya: novoe v kontratseptsii

Prilepskaya V., Dovletkhanova E., Abakarova P.


Abortion is a major hazard for women's reproductive health. Despite the fact that the situation in regard to abortions in Russia is improving, abortion level remains one of the highest in Europe and worldwide. To a large extent, this is due to the insufficient use of modern contraceptive methods. According to the data of survey presented in this article, most women prefer ineffective methods of contraception. Only about 30 % of the respondents used modern methods, most often combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and intrauterine devices. In this regard, the introduction of modern methods of contraception, including COCs, should be considered as an important step towards reproductive health and quality of life of women. The data on the new highly effective innovative COC Zoely® with estrogen and progestogen components similar to natural hormones are presented. It is a promising new generation oral contraceptive that can not only provide acceptable control of the menstrual cycle of women, but also has a certain therapeutic effect.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Infektsii mochevyvodyashchikh putey i beremennost': prakticheskie rekomendatsii po diagnostike i antimikrobnoy khimioterapii

Nikonov A., Astsaturova O.


One in ten pregnant women has one of forms of urinary tract infection (UTI). As a result, perinatal mortality among this cohort of patients increases by 3 times. Global approaches to the diagnosis, screening, prevention, and antimicrobial chemotherapy for UTI in pregnant women are presented. The inappropriateness of use of unprotected penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin) in the treatment of UTI is emphasized, because resistance of uropathogenic E. coli to these antibiotics exceeds 30 %.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Osnovnye printsipy sovremennoy antibiotikoterapii mikoplazmennoy infektsii u zhenshchin

Kuz'min V., Guseynzade M.


Issues of antibacterial treatment of urogenital mycoplasma infection are actively discussed. Numerous studies are devoted to the development of recommendations for the treatment of mycoplasma infections. Currently, the problem of the effectiveness of therapy, however, is still most challenging and relevant.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Preparaty tioktovoy kisloty v lechenii erektil'noy disfunktsii u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom

Kurnikova I.


The article discusses the problems of prevalence, early detection and correction of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). It is noted that the problem of ED in diabetic patients has a great importance, because many factors and several mechanisms are involved in the development of this condition; autonomic neuropathy and oxidative stress are major factors. ED is an early form of manifestations of autonomic diabetic neuropathy (urogenital form). Treatment of erectile dysfunction, as well as any other complications of diabetes, should begin with the compensation of DM and include pathogenetically justified drugs, including а-lipoic acid preparations.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Sluchay materinskoy smertnosti u patsientki s tretichnym sifilisom na fone tuberkuleza organov dykhaniya, khronicheskogo gepatita i khronicheskogo alkogolizma

Kayukova S., Ivanova M., Demikhova O., Berezovskiy Y., Tsvetnov V.


The article describes the clinical case of maternal mortality in patient with pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic alcoholism, chronic hepatitis and late form of syphilis. The analysis of diagnostic, medical and tactical errors highlights the need for increased awareness among professionals, which provide a medical care for such patients and a more detailed examination in the presence of clinical manifestations. For the full survey and timely and comprehensive treatment, and prevention activities among socially maladjusted patients, the special centers for social-related diseases should be the established.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Otsenka vliyaniya kombinirovannykh oral'nykh kontratseptivov na sostoyanie ovarial'nogo rezerva u yunykh i molodykh zhenshchin posle operativnogo vmeshatel'stva po povodu dobrokachestvennykh nevospalitel'nykh bolezney yaichnikov

Zulumyan T., Khamoshina M.


An assessment of the ovarian reserve in 51 women aged 15-25 years after surgical and conservative treatment for benign noninflammatory diseases of the ovary was performed. Ovarian volume and the number of antral follicles in each ovary at baseline and 3 months after treatment in patients receiving combined oral contraceptives (COC) were evaluated. Existing ideas about the negative impact of surgery on the ovarian reserve and the favorable influence of COCs on the functional state of the ovaries were updated.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):68-70
pages 68-70 views

Rol' otdel'nykh faktorov v profilaktike prezhdevremennykh rodov

Solov'eva A., Khapova T., Kuznetsova O., Olenev A.


The article discusses the factors of risk of premature delivery, including the important role of disruption of the normal vaginal biocenosis. The results of evaluation of long-term outcomes of mono- and two-stage treatment of vaginosis and vaginitis in 84 women of reproductive age are presented. After a course of anti-infective therapy, one group of women received drug for vaginal use with ascorbic acid as a drug for restoration of vaginal microbiota, that contributed to effective prevention of recurrence of inflammatory diseases of the vagina.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):71-73
pages 71-73 views

Kurort Mertvogo morya na domu. Vozmozhnosti povysheniya effektivnosti lecheniya trubnoperitoneal'nogo besplodiya u zhenshchin

Vasilenko G., Dikke G.


Recovery of fertility in women with tubal-peritoneal infertility remains a challenging task. Improvement of efficacy of treatment may be achieved with integrated approach; this was the aim of study which included 80 women with duration of infertility at least 10 years, randomized in two groups. As the first stage of treatment, some patients underwent reconstructive plastic surgery on the fallopian tubes (if it was indicated). All women received conservative therapy, which was supplemented with the use of vaginal swabs with a gel-based Dead Sea mud in outpatient settings in the second group. As a result, the pregnancy rate in this group was four times higher than in the control group.
Pharmateca. 2013;(12):74-79
pages 74-79 views