Terapiya ostrogo srednego otita u detey: evolyutsiya mezhdunarodnykh klinicheskikh rekomendatsiy


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Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common cause of systemic antibiotic therapy in pediatric practice. The high prevalence of the disease and the objective difficulties of adequate diagnosis of AOM dictate the need to development of systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment strategies. In this regard, reputable pediatric communities have developed a number of guidance documents. Accumulation of new evidence leads to the revision of a number of positions, as demonstrated by the example of the Recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of AOM in children by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). According to the opinion of ADA, the most relevant criteria for diagnosing of AOM, tactics for determination of the indications for systemic antibiotic therapy, drug selection and duration of therapy are presented.

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Sobre autores

D. Polyakov

Email: polyakovdp@yandex.ru


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