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The article considers the basic mechanisms of pathogenesis of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). The staging of formation of cerebral infarct is emphasized; special attention is paid to the area of ischemic penumbra, the impact on which may be the most important direction in the treatment of AIS. The sequences of key points of biological and pathophysiological processes observed in the acute and delayed brain lesions in ischemia are presented. The importance of activation of reparative and regenerative processes underlying neuroplasticity as an important mechanism for compensation of dysfunctions is emphasized. Considering the staging of pathological process, correct choice of treatment strategies, in particular neurotrophic and neuroprotective therapy in different stages of the disease, is required. The results of experimental and clinical studies of original domestic drug Cellex are presented; the potentials for the use of this drug in the complex treatment of AIS patients are discussed.

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