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Currently, there is a steady increase in the incidence of malignant skin tumors worldwide. The basal cell carcinoma and melanoma are most common in daily practice, much less - squamous cell carcinoma. Early diagnosis can prevent metastasis, but after clinical examination diagnosis is not always obvious. In this connection, variety of instrumental methods of diagnostics, including dermatoscopy, is of great interest. Correct interpretation of results of examination enables more accurate differential diagnosis between various skin tumors, and diagnosis at the earliest stages of development. The article presents data on incidence of patient’s visits to dermatoscopy examination, and discusses approaches to the early diagnosis and prevention of malignant tumors of the skin.

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Sobre autores

Yu. Sergeev

SBEIHPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov " of RMPH

Email: tosergeev@gmail.com
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Moscow

O. Olisova

SBEIHPE "First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov " of RMPH; Society of Dermoscopy and Optical Diagnosis of Skin


V. Sergeev

Society of Dermoscopy and Optical Diagnosis of Skin



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