Endometriosis in children and adolescents


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Edometriosis - insidious and mysterious - has become a real epidemic of the century: it is one of the most common gynecological diseases. There is a need to change the generally accepted views on this problem as an «adult disease» and to search for markers of early diagnosis in girls with the selection of correction methods. An assessment of 50 foreign and domestic literature sources reflecting clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis in children and adolescents was performed. About half of patients of reproductive age report the onset of symptoms of endometriosis during adolescence. However, the difference in clinical manifestations of the course of the disease from adult patients complicates and slows down the process of establishing a diagnosis. It is necessary to develop methods for early diagnosis of endometriosis in female adolescentss in order to prevent its progression and maintain fertility.

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Sobre autores

N. Artymuk

Kemerovo State Medical University

Email: artymuk@gmail.com
Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology n.a. Prof. G.A. Ushakova

O. Zotova

Kuzbass Clinical Hospital n.a. S.V. Belyaev

E. Vaulina

Kuzbass Clinical Hospital n.a. S.V. Belyaev


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