Dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema



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The article presents data on dyshidrotic palmjplantar eczema, characterized by blisters with a histological picture of spongiotic vesicles. As a rule, the exact prevalence of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema is difficult to establish due to the lack of specific biomarkers. The frequency of occurrence ranges from 0.05–10.6% among the adult population and up to 20% of all cases of dermatoses of the hands and feet. Interestingly, the prevalence of this disease may decrease with age. Dyshidrotic palmjplantar eczema often makes it difficult to identify the etiological factor and conduct subsequent treatment. The disabling and recurrent nature of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema affects the quality of life of patients. Adverse trigger factors, including fungal infections, hyperhidrosis, nickel allergy, and reactivation of contact allergies, can contribute to the onset and exacerbation of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema. Currently, the incidence of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema against the background of atopic diseases, erythroderma and endogenous reactions to allergens has increased, indicating the importance of contact dermatitis, in which cosmetics and hygiene products play a predominant role compared to metals. Dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema remains a chronic skin disease that can progress to a severe clinical picture where vesicles enlarge and form deep, painful fissures that eventually render the patient incapable of work and daily life. Today, various therapeutic approaches are available, but the disease is often resistant to traditional therapies. The article discusses causal relationships, etiological factors of development and histopathological manifestations of the disease. Various variants of the clinical picture are revealed; diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema are presented.

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Sobre autores

E. Yunusovа

Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of RMACPE

Email: yuluizadoc@hotmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4550-9578
Código SPIN: 7590-6182
Rússia, Kazan

Luiza Yusupova

Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of RMACPE

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: yuluizadoc@hotmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8937-2158
Código SPIN: 5743-6872

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

Rússia, Kazan

G. Mavlyutova

Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of RMACPE

Email: yuluizadoc@hotmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4652-8869
Código SPIN: 3427-8924
Rússia, Kazan

Z. Garaeva

Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of RMACPE

Email: yuluizadoc@hotmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9096-0563
Código SPIN: 3156-8170
Rússia, Kazan


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