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Vol 30, No 8 (2023)

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Nail pathology: clinical and laboratory aspects, issues of resistance to antimycotics

Pozdnyakova O.N., Nemchaninova O.B., Sergeeva I.G., Chasnyk A.S., Reshetnikova T.B.


The article discusses modern aspects of the formation of resistance of mycotic infections to antifungal drugs, which is one of the reasons for the loss of the expected clinical efficacy of therapy. Factors such as the appointment of antimycotics without laboratory tests necessary to confirm or exclude the fungal nature of nail damage, misinterpretation of diagnostic test results, irrational treatment tactics, and self-treatment contribute to a decrease in the sensitivity of pathogens of superficial skin mycosis and onychomycosis. Changes in the nail apparatus are characteristic not only for fungal invasion, but also for onychodystrophies and a number of other nosologies. The similarity of clinical manifestations of onychopathy of various etiologies creates difficulties in differential diagnosis and can lead to therapeutic errors. The article presents the main clinical characteristics of nail pathology of various origins: onychomycosis (a chronic fungal infection of the nails that requires etiotropic therapy with antifungal agents), and onychodystrophy (different non-infectious changes in the nail plate, in which the use of antimycotics is not indicated). Modern methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of onychomycosis are described, aspects of differential diagnosis of onychomycosis with all types of non-infectious dystrophies of the nail plates, including nail lesions in diseases such as psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, are discussed.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):6-14
pages 6-14 views

Molecular genetic aspects of the development of atopic dermatitis

Sysoeva A.S., Orlova E.A., Levashova О.А., Turovskaya A.A., Iskanderova L.R., Kozina A.I., Kostina E.M.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common dermatoses in the world. It significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, and is a significant social and economic problem. Although the pathogenesis of AD is currently not fully understood, it is complex and appears to be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors that cause a defect in the epidermal barrier, an altered immune response, and an imbalance in the microbial balance of the skin. The study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of AD, the identification of its new components is an urgent problem due to the steady increase in the prevalence of the disease and can improve the efficiency of its diagnosis and treatment. The article presents a review of domestic and foreign literature sources devoted to the study of the most significant pathogenetic factors of AD.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Rosacea: trigger factors and comorbidities

Ayupova K.R., Yusupovа L.A.


The article presents data on rosacea, a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence among fair-skinned adults of Northern European origin. It is known that various environmental factors, endogenous factors stimulate an enhanced innate immune response and neurovascular dysregulation, while the etiopathogenesis of rosacea requires further study. The article discusses trigger factors for rosacea, including endoplasmic reticulum stress and an extended protein response; ultraviolet radiation and thermal, mechanical, nutritional, psychological and other adverse risk factors. Information on the relationship of concomitant cardiovascular, neurological diseases in rosacea is also provided.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Modern concepts of the vaginal microbiome and its significance in the pathogenesis of bacterial vaginosis

Afanasyeva I.G., Malova I.O.


Women’s reproductive health is closely related to a healthy vaginal microbiota. This is provided by the dominance of certain Lactobacillus types. The state of the vaginal microbiome is not fully understood. This is attributable to its evolutionary uniqueness. Animal models have a neutral pH, their microbiomes are not dominated by lactobacilli, and the concentration of vaginal glycogen and lactic acid is significantly reduced. In this regard, the experimental data are contradictory and difficult to interpret in vivo. Determining the underlying mechanisms responsible for the stability of the vaginal econiche is of great importance. It is interesting to look at bacterial vaginosis through the lens of current knowledge of the vaginal microbiome. There are gaps in our knowledge in understanding the variability and relationships of the vaginal microbiota.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):27-34
pages 27-34 views

Clinical experience

Pyogenic granuloma of the nail bed, clinical cases and literature review

Murakhovskaya E.K., Sysoeva T.A., Mertsalova I.B., Aleksandrova M.R.


The article analyzes current information about pyogenic granuloma (PG), currently referred to as benign vascular tumors. The features of the clinical course of the disease are considered in detail, the factors that most often provoke the development of PG are described, a detailed description of the dermatoscopic picture is presented, with such signs as a reddish homogeneous area, white collar, white rail structures, ulceration and vascular structures. Special attention is paid to the differential diagnosis of PG with non-pigmented melanoma of the skin, Spitz nevus, lymphangiomas, angiokeratomas, bacillary angiomatosis, Kaposi’s sarcoma and basal cell skin cancer. The authors present their own clinical observations of PG in the nail bed, illustrating the possibility of self-regression, as well as the possibility of using a topical β-blocker for the treatment of PG in children.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):35-41
pages 35-41 views

Dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema

Yunusovа E.I., Yusupova L.A., Mavlyutova G.I., Garaeva Z.S.


The article presents data on dyshidrotic palmjplantar eczema, characterized by blisters with a histological picture of spongiotic vesicles. As a rule, the exact prevalence of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema is difficult to establish due to the lack of specific biomarkers. The frequency of occurrence ranges from 0.05–10.6% among the adult population and up to 20% of all cases of dermatoses of the hands and feet. Interestingly, the prevalence of this disease may decrease with age. Dyshidrotic palmjplantar eczema often makes it difficult to identify the etiological factor and conduct subsequent treatment. The disabling and recurrent nature of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema affects the quality of life of patients. Adverse trigger factors, including fungal infections, hyperhidrosis, nickel allergy, and reactivation of contact allergies, can contribute to the onset and exacerbation of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema. Currently, the incidence of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema against the background of atopic diseases, erythroderma and endogenous reactions to allergens has increased, indicating the importance of contact dermatitis, in which cosmetics and hygiene products play a predominant role compared to metals. Dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema remains a chronic skin disease that can progress to a severe clinical picture where vesicles enlarge and form deep, painful fissures that eventually render the patient incapable of work and daily life. Today, various therapeutic approaches are available, but the disease is often resistant to traditional therapies. The article discusses causal relationships, etiological factors of development and histopathological manifestations of the disease. Various variants of the clinical picture are revealed; diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema are presented.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):42-46
pages 42-46 views

New drugs end treatment approaches

Pathogenetic mechanisms of alopecia areata

Kazhzhanova A.M., Yusupovа L.A.


The article presents data on alopecia areata (AA), a chronic inflammatory disease caused by hair loss with primarily genetic component. The frequency of occurrence of AA reaches 1–2% of the total population as a whole. AA can develop at any age. At the same time, in most patients, the first episode occurs before the age of 40 years, with a maximum onset between the second and fourth decades. In some patients, hair loss can develop into severe and chronic hair loss and cause severe psychosocial stress. Despite extensive research in the field of AA, the current understanding of pathogenesis is still incomplete. Genetic epidemiological studies are known to be effective in studying associations between gene variations with common diseases. The importance of genetic factors in AA is evident due to the high frequency of a positive family history. The article presents variants of genetic predisposition to AA, considers related and unrelated genes of the human leukocyte antigen in AA.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel disease

Yakubovsky A.V., Sokolovskiy E.V.


Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) usually co-occurs with other diseases, most commonly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and is therefore a multidisciplinary problem. The review considers the relationship of diseases, the diagnosis of PG, topical and systemic therapy. PG often requires revision of IBD therapy. There are few randomized trials on the treatment of PG; the effectiveness of glucocorticosteroids, cyclosporine and tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors has been most proven. Reports of a positive effect of a number of biological agents and small molecules on PG make it possible to choose the therapy most indicated for the intestinal process.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Original articles

Inefficiency of topical therapy in acne patients: modern ways of solution

Nikolaeva N.N., Malova I.O., Chashin A.Y.


Background. Currently, there are many patients with acne who independently cancel the topical treatment prescribed by the doctor because of their own opinion about its inefficiency. In this regard, the study of the reasons for the failure of topical acne therapy, as well as ways to improve therapeutic efficacy, is of particular relevance.

Objective. Evaluation of the attitude of patients with acne to topical therapy (their satisfaction, reasons for self-cessation of topical therapy) and analysis of the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of topical treatment with a combination of drugs and a psychotherapy program developed taking into account the results of studying the personality of a patient with acne.

Methods. The study involved 100 patients with mild to moderate acne aged 14 to 18 years (mean age 16.2±1.6 years) who applied to a dermatologist because of dissatisfaction with previous topical therapy. All patients had previously received repeated courses of topical therapy and, for one reason or another, stopped treatment on their own. The study was conducted using a questionnaire.

Results. The use of topical monotherapy was considered ineffective by 81 (81%) patients. 84 (84%) patients independently canceled topical medicines prescribed by a doctor. The main reasons for withdrawal were the lack of information about the mechanism of action of the drug and the need for its use (67% patients), as well as the expectation of quick results (25% patients). On the example of a clinical case, the expediency of an integrated approach to improving the effectiveness of treatment through a combination of topical drug therapy and psychological correction has been demonstrated.

Conclusion. The use of a comprehensive therapeutic program, including topical acne therapy and psychological correction, allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment and improve the psychological status of the patient.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Importance of the nitric oxide system in the development of psoriasis

Alyavi S.F., Rakhmatov A.B.


Background. In recent years, psoriasis has been considered as a complex disease that combines signs of autoinflammatory and autoimmune processes. Issues of etiology and pathogenesis have not been finally elucidated and continue to be discussed. The inflammatory component is one of the essential links in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, which occurs with recurrent exacerbations, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction of varying severity.

Objective. Evaluation of the features of blood serum nitric oxide (NO) production in patients with various clinical forms of psoriasis.

Methods. The state of the blood serum NO system in 121 patients with psoriasis was assessed. In the blood serum of psoriatic patients, there was a high concentration of the main stable metabolites of NO, which may be one of the reasons for the development of this disease. At the same time, there was a clear dependence of blood serum NO expression on the clinical form of psoriasis.

Results. iNOS, ONO2-, and ET-1 expression is among the causes of high blood serum NO levels in patients with psoriasis. It is possible that these interrelated processes reflect the general reaction of the organism of patients to a damaging factor, depending on the clinical forms of psoriasis.

Conclusion. Thus, the NO level, which is an important link in the system of nonspecific reactivity of the body, occupying an important place in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, can be considered as one of the modern highly sensitive criteria for inflammation. Determining the NO level makes it possible to objectively assess the intensity of the inflammatory reaction, the activity of the pathological process, the effectiveness of therapy, and also the prognosis of dermatosis.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Modern possibilities for correcting the uric acid level and eliminating skin manifestations of gout

Vereshchagin E.I., Svechnikova E.V., Arutyunyan G.B., Artemyeva N.O., Devyatova A.V., Sherf A.A.


Background. It is well known that blood serum elevated uric acid (UA) level is the cause of a number of chronic diseases, such as gout, as well as osteoarthritis and uric acid nephritis. As a rule, prolonged hyperuricemia is accompanied by severe skin manifestations, such as pruritus, erythema, and hypersensitivity. However, the use of drugs to correct hyperuricemia, obviously, does not solve this problem. Moreover, as is known, a number of plant extracts effectively enhance the UA clearance, helping to reduce its blood serum and tissue concentration.

Objective. Evaluation of the the effectiveness of a composition based on the components of a dietary supplement based on plant components of meadowsweet (Filipéndula ulmária) and aspen (Pópulus trémula) – Hepalit* on the blood serum UA level in patients with initially elevated UA levels.

Methods. The study involved patients with elevated serum UA levels (more than 350 µmol/L in women and 415 µmol/L in men). A total of 107 patients aged 45–65 years were examined, including 47 men (Group 1) and 62 women (Group 2). During study follow-up period, patients keep a routine diet. The herbal composition of dietary supplement consisting of micronized meadowsweet leaves (Filipéndula ulmária) and aspen bark (Pópulus trémula) was used per os at a dose of 500 mg for 30 days.

Results. Taking this herbal composition for a month provided significant decrease in the UA level in both men and women. Characteristically, this effect persisted 1 month after the end of the use of composition. Simultaneously with the decrease in UA, there were positive significant changes in triglycerides and blood sugar levels in patients with initial hypertriglyceridemia and hyperglycemia. Almost 90% of patients indicated the disappearance of such manifestations as itching, erythema and hypersensitivity, 55% – a decrease in the size of tophi. The effect was observed regardless of the location and severity of skin changes.

Conclusion. The herbal composition presented in this dietary supplement is based on meadowsweet (Filipéndula ulmária) and aspen (Pópulus trémula), can be recommended for use in patients with elevated UA levels, metabolic syndrome and gout as a component of functional nutrition or an independent herbal preparation.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):72-75
pages 72-75 views

Postcovid alopecia: from the study of pathogenesis to the choice of therapy

Nikolaeva A.Y., Bitkina O.A., Kosheleva I.V., Presnyakova M.V., Kontorshchikova K.N., Dmitrieva A.A., Peretyagin P.V., Tsyganova A.A.


Background. A review of the literature data on the problem of alopecia associated with a new coronavirus infection is presented. Information on the etiological and pathogenetic aspects of post-covid alopecia, the role of the immune response and endothelial dysfunction is discussed.

Objective. Assessment of the state of the hemostasis system in patients with postcovid alopecia by thrombodynamics (TD).

Methods. The study included 49 women who were divided into 3 groups: group 1 (n=26) – patients with post-covid alopecia, group 2 (n=13) - patients with alopecia who did not have coronavirus infection, group 3 (n=10) – without manifestations of alopecia. Changes in the indicators of the TD test were detected in patients with alopecia who had a coronavirus infection.

Conclusion. Reports of the development of microcirculatory dysfunction in patients with COVID-19, activation of coagulation, characterized by thrombotic microangiopathy and endotheliitis, are confirmed by the results of studies that revealed disorders of the hemostasis system of prothrombotic orientation (according to the TD test) in most patients with postcovid alopecia. The TD hemostasis test can be an important tool for monitoring the condition of patients with postcovid alopecia, correcting and evaluating the effectiveness of therapy.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):76-82
pages 76-82 views

Amino acid replacement therapy as preparation and enhancement of the effectiveness of collagen-stimulating methods

Svechnikova E.V., Morzhanaeva M.A., Gorskaya A.A.


Background. The main component of the dermis is collagen, an organic compound of a group of fibrillar proteins. The papillary dermis is formed by smaller bundles of collagen fibers with predominance of fibroblasts, fibrocytes, mast cells, T-lymphocytes, while the reticular dermis is characterized by larger bundles that form a characteristic network providing strength to the skin, hence the name of the layer – reticular. In young skin, collagen type I (80%) and III (15%) fibers with ratio 6:1 predominate. With age, there is a decrease in the content of type I collagen, which leads to a thickening and disruption of the bonds between the fibers. Most cosmetic procedures are aimed at collagen stimulation; before stimulating collagen production, however, it is necessary to provide cells with essential amino acids for the synthesis of collagen types I and III and direct inflammation in a controlled way. Amino acid replacement therapy (AART) is a fundamental step in preparing patients for invasive procedures. In this article, for the first time, for the diagnosis of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) of patients, the «UCTD diagnostic genetic panel» developed by the authors and the questionnaire for UCTD screening in cosmetology practice were used.

Objective. Improvement of the effectiveness of skin correction protocols during collagen-stimulating procedures, development of screening questionnaire for the detection of UCTD in cosmetology practice, testing of a genetic panel to identify signs of UCTD during collagen stimulation, development of correction protocols based on the data obtained.

Methods. The study included three patients who received a complex correction protocol based on polylactic acid and AART.

Results. Due to the combined use of the UCTD screening questionnaire in cosmetology practice and genetic panels, the authors managed to achieve pronounced results when using collagen-stimulating methods in patients and prevent possible complications.

Conclusion. General approaches to the diagnosis of UCTD should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of clinical and laboratory tests. The capabilities of genetic panels in combination with a screening questionnaire make it possible to achieve pronounced results and avoid possible complications.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):83-90
pages 83-90 views

Clinical and laboratory associations in heterosexual couples with recurrent bacterial vaginosis

Afanasyeva I.G., Malova I.O.


Background. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a major public health problem due to its frequent recurrence, potential for complications, and association with sexually transmitted infections. To date, there is no single point of view on the participation of sexual partners in the occurrence and recurrence of this disease.

Objective. Evaluation of the clinical and laboratory associations in women with recurrent BV (RBV) and their sexual partners.

Methods. From 2010 to 2018, a retrospective cross-sectional study assessed the relationship of microbiota and clinical manifestations in RBV in women and their sexual partners. The study included 164 patients with a mean age of 30.51±6.73 years, among them 82 women with confirmed RBV (28.89±5.89) and 82 of their sexual partners (32.13±7.15). Before inclusion in the study, all patients underwent microscopy of the discharge from the urethra, vagina, cervical canal, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) – examination of the discharge from the urethra and cervical canal for the presence of reproductively significant infections, quantitative assessment of opportunistic microbiota by real-time PCR with a diagnostic system «Femoflor-16».

Results. BV-associated microorganisms (BVAM) Gardnerella vaginalis/Prevotella bivia/Porphyromonas spp. with a high burden for women with RBV were closely associated with the clinical manifestations of both RBV and balanoposthitis in their sexual partners. Urethritis was rare in sexual partners who had and did not have manifestations of balanoposthitis. Coincidences between BVAM for one or more microorganisms within sexual pairs were revealed.

Conclusion. Dysbiotic microbiota in women with RBV is detected in the urethra of sexual partners and can cause balanoposthitis. It is possible that the BV recurrence is associated with the exchange of genital microbiota during unprotected intercourse. It is possible that this fact may play an important role in the pathogenesis of RBV.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):91-102
pages 91-102 views

The prevalence of phakomatoses in Western Siberia

Maximova Y.V., Chupyrko N.A., Vasilyeva M.A., Garny V.E., Maximov V.N., Svechnikova E.V.


Objective. Evaluation of the prevalence of phakomatoses, features of clinical manifestations of diseases classified in the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems under the heading «Phakomatoses», not classified in other headings (Q85), in the population of the Novosibirsk region, including Novosibirsk.

Methods. Retrospective analysis of proband maps with an established clinical diagnosis, included in the group of phakomatoses: Q85.0 Neurofibromatosis (non-malignant), Recklinghausen’s disease, Q85.1 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville’s disease, Epiloia), Q85.8 other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified (Syndromes: Peutz-Jeghers, Strudge-Weber, Hippel-Lindau) at the Clinical Department of the Medical Genetic Center (MGC) of Clinical Center for Family Health and Reproduction for 12 years (from 2010 to 2022) was performed. Diagnoses of specific phakomatosis, were made using diagnostic criteria recommended by the International Committee of Experts on Specific Nosology.

Results. Over the past 12 years, the following cases have been followed-up in the MGC: Q85.0 Neurofibromatosis (non-malignant), Recklinghausen’s disease – 118 probands, taking into account sick relatives (93 people) – a total of 211 patients; the prevalence in Novosibirsk and the region is 1: 13242; Q85.1 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville’s disease, Epiloia) – 44 probands, including sick relatives (15 people) – a total of 59 patients, prevalence in Novosibirsk and the region – 1:47,000 inhabitants; Q85.8 Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome – 8 patients, all cases were sporadic, prevalence in Novosibirsk and the region – 1:349 283, Stradzh-Weber syndrome (more often called Sturge-Weber in the literature) – 15 patients, all cases were sporadic, the prevalence in Novosibirsk and the region was 1:186,284 residents, the Hippel–Lindau syndrome – 3 sporadic cases, the prevalence in Novosibirsk and the region was 1:9440.

Conclusion. Phakomatoses are polysystemic diseases that require a systematic approach to diagnosis and correction. The prevalence of type 1 neurofibromatosis in Novosibirsk and the region is 1:13 242, tuberous sclerosis – 1:47 000, Peitz-Jeghers – 1:349 283, Stradzh-Weber – 1:186 284, Hippel-Lindau – 1:931 422 The total prevalence of phakomatoses in Novosibirsk and the region is 1:9440.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):103-109
pages 103-109 views


Modern approaches to the treatment of severe forms of ichthyosis in children

Botkina A.S., Gumennaya E.R., Dubrovskaya M.I.


Congenital ichthyoses are a heterogeneous group of hereditary cornification disorders of varying severity, characterized by generalized desquamation, hyperkeratosis, and often inflammation of the skin. Ichthyosis is caused by various mutations in more than 50 genes encoding structural proteins and enzymes of the epidermis involved in maintaining and regulating the skin barrier function. Violation of the structure of the epidermis leads to increased transepidermal water loss, increased xerosis and desquamation. Currently, there are no specific treatments that can completely cure a patient with ichthyosis. Various topical agents are used to reduce dryness, flaking, hyperkeratosis, and transepidermal water loss. In recent years, scientific advances have changed the understanding of the pathogenesis of ichthyosis and made it possible to take a different look at approaches to therapy using anti-inflammatory biologics, small molecules and gene replacement therapy. The review considers the mechanism of the pharmacological action of drugs used in the treatment of ichthyosis, as well as presents authors’ own data on the use of innovative methods for the treatment of severe forms of ichthyosis in children.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):110-115
pages 110-115 views

Pharmacological properties of drugs

Expert Council Resolution “The place of quifenadine in the treatment of allergic diseases and the classification of antihistamines”

Nenasheva N.M., Ilyina N.I., Gushchin I.S., Danilycheva I.V., Zakharova I.N., Zyryanov S.K., Kurbacheva O.M., Smolkin Y.S., Orlova E.A., Sychev D.A.


Antihistamines are the most commonly prescribed pharmacological therapy for allergic diseases, the prevalence of which reaches 30% of the population in the modern world, affecting people of all ages. The appointment of antihistamines for allergic rhinitis and urticaria is the first line of therapy, allowing in most cases to achieve control of symptoms. Existing antihistamines are usually divided into I and II generation antihistamines. Hifenadine, synthesized in the Acad. M.D. Mashkovsky laboratory in the 1970s, was historically assigned to the 1st generation antihistamines, however, according to its characteristics (low risk of sedation, absence of tachyphylaxis, antiserotonin effect, activation of diamine oxidase), it rather belongs to the 2nd generation antihistamines. This discrepancy raises questions and may confuse clinicians when prescribing the drug. In this regard, an Expert Council with the purpose to define the pharmacological properties of hifenadine, its clinical efficacy, tolerability and safety, which determine the place of the drug in the classification of antihistamines and the treatment of allergic diseases was held.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Clinical case

A clinical case of the use of the selective janus kinase inhibitor upadacitinib in an adult patient with severe atopic dermatitis

Svechnikova E.V., Fomin K.A.


Background. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases affecting both children and adults. Its effect on the patient largely correlates with the severity of the disease. Despite this, there is currently a high level of dissatisfaction with effective and safe systemic therapy. The immunological complexity of the pathogenesis of AD makes the suppression of Janus kinases a promising approach to treatment.

Description of the clinical case. This case report describes the successful use of upadacitinib, a selective oral Janus kinase 1 inhibitor, in a patient with severe AD. The drug demonstrated a rapid clinical response, good tolerance and ease of use. Our experience has confirmed that upadacitinib is an effective and safe treatment option for refractory forms of AD.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Rare clinical variant of palmoplantar keratoderma

Novikov Y.A., Pravdina O.V., Zykova E.A., Gamza S.R.


The article presents a clinical case of an 18-year-old patient with aquagenic keratoderma. This is a rare variant of acquired palmoplantar keratoderma, which is characterized by the appearance of dense waxy foci of white-yellow hyperkeratosis with swelling of the skin, lichenification, as well as plaques with a surface in the form of a «cobblestone pavement» after contact with water. Aquagenic keratoderma occurs in 44–80% of cases in patients with cystic fibrosis who have a homo- or heterozygous mutation δF508 in the CFTR gene responsible for regulating electrolyte transport. This clinical case is of interest to practicing dermatologists.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):126-128
pages 126-128 views

A clinical case of cerebral complications of a syphilitic infection with a fatal outcome

Khryanin A.A., Nadeev A.P., Sturov V.G., Radchenko M.V.


Syphilis (lues) is a major public health problem worldwide. Despite the preventive measures taken, syphilitic infection caused by Treponema pallidum remains the cause of serious health problems in patients up to persistent disability and death. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of latent and late forms, incl. cardiovascular syphilis and neurosyphilis in Russia. At the same time, the relevance of timely and adequate laboratory diagnosis of syphilitic infection remains. Despite the existing possibilities of using laboratory methods for diagnosing syphilis, establishing the correct diagnosis often presents a certain difficulty for doctors of clinical specialties related to dermatovenereology. The authors present an interesting clinical case of gummous brain lesions (cerebral syphilis), when clinicians were unable to timely establish the correct diagnosis for the patient during her lifetime. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly improve the skills of doctors of various specialties in matters of epidemiology, clinical manifestations and early laboratory diagnosis of syphilitic infection. The timely use of laboratory methods and the correct interpretation of the results obtained will reduce the number of incorrectly established diagnoses and choose the right therapeutic strategy.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):129-133
pages 129-133 views

Complications of uncontrolled use of topical and systemic glucocorticosteroids: clinical cases

Nemchaninova О.В., Reshetnikova T.B., Pozdnyakova O.N., German R.V.


Background. Glucocorticosteroids (GCS) have been successfully used since the discovery of hydrocortisone and remain the most commonly used group of drugs included in the treatment plans of patients with skin pathology. This is attributable to their ability to effectively influence both the pathogenetic mechanisms and the symptoms of skin diseases. For the effective and safe use of topical and systemic corticosteroids, it is necessary to comply with the indications and rules for their use. However, cases of irrational prescription or uncontrolled use of GCS are not uncommon, which significantly increases the risk of developing local and systemic side effects.

Description of a series of clinical cases. The article presents clinical observations of severe side effects of long-term self-treatment with systemic and topical corticosteroids that developed in patients aged 66 and 56 years. Long-term irrational topical use of betamethasone dipropionate by one of the patients and the use of 2.0 ml of corticosteroids for injection by another – a combination of the depot form (betamethasone sodium phosphate 2.63 mg) and the fast-acting form (betamethasone dipropionate 6.43 mg) – led to the formation of exogenous Cushing’s syndrome, infectious and other complications.

Conclusion. Violation of the rules for the use of GCS, as well as self-medication, lead to a high risk of developing both local and general side effects.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):134-138
pages 134-138 views

Experience in the treatment of orofacial granulomatosis in the form of Misher’s macrocheilitis with cyclosporine A

Melnikova T.V., Burtseva N.Y., Milyutina M.A., Monakhov K.N., Sokolovsky E.V.


Background. Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is a chronic inflammatory disease that currently includes two syndromes: Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome and Miescher’s granulomatous cheilitis. The etiopathogenesis of the disease has not been studied enough, the metals used in the manufacture of dental implants, crowns and fillings are considered to be possible factors leading to its development.

Description of the clinical case. The article describes a case of OFG in the form of Misher’s macrocheilitis in a young female patient, which caused difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis was established 2.5 years after the onset of the disease; hydroxychloroquine therapy was ineffective. A good clinical effect was obtained during therapy with cyclosporine A at an initial dose of 350 mg/day (3.8 mg per kg). The patient continues the recommended treatment is under the supervision of a dermatologist of the Outpatient Department of the Clinic of Dermatovenereology of the Pavlov University.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):139-143
pages 139-143 views

Case report: successful treatment of pustular plantar psoriasis with an interleukin-17A inhibitor, netakimab

Svechnikova E.V., Zhufina S.E., Parfenova A.V., Fomin K.A.


Pustular psoriasis (PP) is a chronic immune-mediated skin disease that is difficult to treat. Affecting areas of the skin in the area of the palms and feet (socially significant and subject to constant external influences in everyday life), the disease has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional background of patients, and the difficulties in selecting therapy and its low effectiveness aggravate the patient’s condition. This article discusses the classification, etiology and pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis, aspects of the differential diagnosis of localized forms of pustular psoriasis, and a modern approach to the treatment of this disease. The issue of classification of PP, especially its localized forms, remained controversial for a long time. Currently, it is recommended to follow the classification proposed by ERASPEN, according to which PP is divided into three subtypes: generalized PP, palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) and persistent Allopo acrodermatitis. The study of the immune-mediated reaction and key links in the pathogenesis of psoriasis opens up new possibilities in the treatment of severe psoriasis, which is difficult to treat with basic anti-inflammatory drugs. Interleukin (IL)-17 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine and is involved in many stages of the immune response, affecting various cell types, including endothelial cells, fibroblasts, chondrocytes, synovial cells, monocytes, and epithelial cells, including keratinocytes. It is known that IL-17 plays a leading role in the cascade of immune-mediated inflammation in the pathogenesis of psoriasis vulgaris. Papers have been published indicating active expression of IL-17A in the skin of the palms and soles of patients with palmoplantar PP, in contrast to IL-12 and IL-23. Standard external therapy, local PUVA therapy, photodynamic therapy with PP are often ineffective, do not lead to stable remission, so systemic therapy is required. Currently, genetically engineered biological therapy is a successful and promising therapy option. Randomized placebo-controlled trials failed to demonstrate a statistically significant efficacy of inhibitors of TNF-α, IL-12, IL-23 in patients with palmoplantar psoriasis, while the IL-17A inhibitor secukinumab showed a positive result of therapy – by the 52nd week of treatment 41 % of patients achieved PPPASI-75. In the article, we will consider the clinical case of a patient with severe PP who received systemic therapy (methotrexate, guselcumablm and netakimab), and were able to evaluate the effectiveness of various drugs in relation to this disease.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):144-150
pages 144-150 views

Contact dermatitis – a difficult diagnosis: a clinical case

Pozdnyakova O.N., Chasnyk A.S., Nemchaninova О.В., Sklyanova E.Y., Reshetnikova T.B.


Background. Contact dermatitis (CD) – irritant and allergic – is a group of skin diseases that are caused by skin contact with irritants or allergens, are characterized by a variety of morphological manifestations depending on the stage of the process and can mimic a wide range of dermatological nosologies. In the treatment of both variants of CD, the main factor is the elimination of the trigger agent/allergen, so it is important to differentiate CD from other skin diseases as early as possible, which will avoid prescribing unreasonable and often unsuccessful treatment.

Description of the clinical case. The article presents a clinical case of allergic contact dermatitis that developed against the background of a long course of scabies in a patient with limited scleroderma.

Conclusion. It is known that the clinical picture of scabies is determined both by the activity of the scabies mite and the allergic reaction of the body to the pathogen and its waste products, which in this case led to the development of complications in the form of allergic dermatitis. The rapid regression of rashes after the appointment of a scabicide convincingly shows how important the elimination of the irritant, in this case, the scabies mite, is for the relief of clinical symptoms of CD.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):151-155
pages 151-155 views

Anogenital forms of lichen planus: current concepts and a clinical case

Khryanin A.A., Nadeev A.P., Sokolovskaya A.V., Sotsenko O.G.


Dermatosis localized in the anogenital regionis an urgent problem of modern medicine, requiring the involvement of physicians of various specialties. Difficulties in the differential diagnosis of dermatosis in anogenital area determine the formation of severe clinical forms and torpidity to the treatment. It is important to note that in case of late diagnosis, there is a possibility of serious complications, especially in the absence of adequate treatment of dermatoses in anogenital area. The problem of differential diagnosis lies in the similar clinical picture of most skin diseases, and the effectiveness of treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. The article presents current data on epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, provoking factors, clinical features of various forms of lichen planus (LP) in anogenital area. The relationship of LP with pathological conditions such as autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasms, viral hepatitis C, presence of dyslipidemia, hypothyroidism and diabetes in a patient is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the hypertrophic variant of LP in anogenital area, which has the most difficult clinical picture to diagnose and is the least described in the scientific literature. The authors present a complex interdisciplinary clinical case of LP in anogenital area. Dynamic monitoring, the involvement of related specialists and the use of various diagnostic methods, such as laboratory tests, dermatoscopy, histological examination, transdermal imaging methods (ultrasound, MRI), is often required. Ccombined work of a dermatovenereologist, proctologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, oncologist, pathomorphologist and the surgeon provides faster and more accurate diagnosis of diseases, which in turn allows to choose timely and adequate treatment tactics. The presented clinical case will help practitioners to better navigate the issues of diagnosing skin diseases in anogenital area.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(8):156-160
pages 156-160 views

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