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Changes in the somatosensory system in aging and peripheral neuropathy are similar. Increased pain threshold against the background of axonopathy is accompanied by paradoxical decreased tolerance of pain, that associated with neuroplastic changes of spinal cord and brain. Symptomatic treatment of neuropathic pain with antidepressants, anticonvulsants and opioids is associated with a reduction in the quality of life of elderly patients and high risk of severe side effects. Pathogenetic treatment of polyneuropathy often amplifies the intensity of neuropathic pain at the beginning of therapy, however, is able to restore the function of the axon, to reduce the severity of the deficit disorders. The article discusses the ways to improve the safety of the treatment of neuropathic pain in elderly patients, the relationship of the pathogenesis of the aging of the nervous system and polyneuropathy, and the ways for their correction.




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