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The prevalence of anxiety disorders (AD) among child and adolescent population varies from 9 to 32% and tends to increase during the transition from the younger age groups in the older ones. However, ADs remain undiagnosed in many patients, which lead to the lack of specialized care and pharmacotherapy. The article discusses the features of the childhood age-related fears, clinical manifestations of ADs, including separation AD of childhood, selective mutism, phobic AD of childhood, social AD of childhood, generalized AD of childhood, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. Tenoten kid is a promising drug for the treatment of ADs. In a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial of efficacy and safety of Tenoten Kid for 12 weeks in 98 children and adolescents with ADs aged 5 to 15 years, according to assessment of anxiety using scales developed by G.P. Lavrentieva and TM Titarenko, and SCAS, and anxiety test developed by R.Tammil et al. for children 5-7 years, more pronounced regress of symptoms during treatment with Tenoten Kid compared to placebo was registered in 5-7-year-old patients in terms of «social phobia» and «physical injury fear», in 8-15-year-old patients - in terms of «panic attacks and agoraphobia», «separation anxiety» and «social phobia». The anxiolytic activity of the drug was significantly more pronounced in 5-7 year-old children, which confirms the need for early diagnosis and treatment of ADs in children.




N. Zavadenko

SBEI HE RNSMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov of RMH

MD, Prof., Head of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Pediatrics Moscow


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