Current possibilities of nebulizer therapy in the treatment of respiratory pathology in children



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Inhalation therapy for respiratory diseases with high prevalence is an important method of therapeutic care for children in modern settings. The advantages of such a treatment method relate to the ability to deliver drugs directly to the target organ, which makes the use of low doses of drugs effective by creating a high concentration of drugs directly in the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of inhalation therapy largely depends not only on the type and dosage of the drug, but also on the characteristics of inhalation devices that are very diverse. Recent decades have been marked by the discovery of new and improved systems for delivering drugs to the respiratory system. Nebulizer therapy is most widely used in pediatric practice, allowing the use of all standard inhalation solutions and their permissible combinations in children of any age, as well as in severe patients.




M. Shakhnazarova

Sechenov University; N.F. Filatov Clinical Institute of Children Health

Email: marinashakh@mail.iu
Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Childhood Diseases

N. Geppe

Sechenov University

I. Ozerskaya

Sechenov University

M. Chepurnaya

Rostov State Medical University

S. Shatalina

Sechenov University; N.F. Filatov Clinical Institute of Children Health


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