Facet syndrome in the clinical picture of dorsopathies



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Facet syndrome (FS) is the main cause of pain in 10-15% of young adult patients with chronic low back pain and much more often in older populations (according to various sources, from 40 to 85-90%). Each spine segment consists of the intervertebral disc, vertebral bodies, and posterior paired synovial joints, which make up a «three-component complex», where each component affects the other two, allowing a variety of movements, and the spine is a flexible mobile structure. Many authors have demonstrated pathological degenerative changes in these joints over time, as well as the associated inflammatory changes. The most common cause of facet joint disease is degenerative changes in the spine. FS is characterized by a relapsing course, gradual development, slow regression of each painful episode, a tendency to lengthening and aggravation of each subsequent exacerbation. A clinical case of a patient with chronic low back pain is presented. After examination and appropriate treatment, the patient noted an improvement. Conclusion. The clinical assessment of patients with suspected FS is based on the features of the clinical picture, «pain pattern», special tests that allow correct differential diagnosis with similar nosological forms and prescribe an optimal treatment.




Aleksandr Tkachev

Tkachev Clinic

Email: tkachevclinic@mail.ru

I. Gordeeva

Volgograd State Medical University

A. Epifanov

Tkachev Epifanov Clinic

E. Akarachkova

International Society «Stress under Control»

V. Zhurbenko

Tkachev Clinic

A. Smirnova

Medical and Diagnostic Center «Medical Institute n.a. Berezin Sergey


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