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编号 17 (2012)



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Pharmateca. 2012;(17):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Zhelezodefitsit v kardiologii - novyy podkhod k staroy probleme?

Kopylov F.


In recent years, the number of scientific papers on the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency regardless of the presence of anemia in patients with cardiovascular diseases is increased. In cardiology practice this approach came from the field of nephrology, since many diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the treatment of anemia and/or iron deficiency were evaluated in patients with chronic renal failure and often concomitant chronic heart failure. Results of recent studies highlighted in this review led to the question of the recognition of iron deficiency as independent risk factor for worsening prognosis of patients with cardiovascular diseases, and, therefore, as therapeutic target not related to anemia.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Lekarstvennye preparaty dlya lecheniya legochnoy gipertenzii

Ushkalova E., Runikhina N., Novikova I.


The article presents review dedicated to the pharmacotherapy of pulmonary hypertension (PH), resulting from a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and leading to right ventricular failure and premature death. Based on the results of numerous clinical studies, the efficacy and safety of drugs that are used as the primary and maintenance therapy of PH are analyzed. Maintenance pharmacotherapy includes the use of anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides and diuretics. Specific therapy of PH includes calcium channel blockers, prostacyclin analogues, endothelin receptor inhibitors and phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Pochemu kholetsistektomiya ne vsegda uluchshaet kachestvo zhizni?

Il'chenko A.


The article discusses the reasons for the development of postcholecystectomy disorders, pathophysiological rationale for definition of postcholecystectomy syndrome and methods of correction of pathological conditions developing after removal of the gallbladder.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Bol' v shee vertebrogennoy prirody

Prokopenko S., Shanina E.


Neck pain is the actual problem of modern medicine. Despite the multidisciplinary nature of this syndrome, its vertebral origin is the most common. Within a year, up to 20-40 % of the adult population suffers from neck pain. Vertebrogenous neck pain may have a nociceptive, neuropathic and mixed nature that requires differentiated treatments.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Khronicheskiy gastrit: kak preodolet' kompleks neopredelennosti?

Khomeriki N., Khomeriki S.


Discovery of the role of Helicobacter pylori as a major etiologic factor in the development of chronic gastritis (CG) has led to the creation of new ideas on the clinical and morphological features of the disease. Pathogenetic relationship between CG and duodenal ulcer, MALT-lymphoma of the stomach and gastric cancer is firmly established; numerous therapies are developed. Unfortunately, debates on the topic “Is this microbe pathogen or saprophyte, or what are the differences between CG and functional dyspepsia?" are continued in our scientific literature. Such a complex of uncertainty in terms of CG leads to the high prevalence of the CG in Russia and the not always effective and timely treatment of this disease. The article reveals the pathogenic nature of CG and its role in the mechanisms of gastric carcinogenesis. Variants of prognosis in natural history of the disease are discussed; the basic algorithms of its diagnosis and treatment are presented.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):34-40
pages 34-40 views

Sovremennye podkhody k lecheniyu dislipidemiy: differentsirovannaya gipolipidemicheskaya terapiya

Lupanov V.


The article considers the issues of differential treatment of various dyslipidemias with the purpose of prevention of atherosclerosis and its complications. The main classes of lipid-lowering drugs and characteristics of their use depending on the cardiovascular risk and type of dyslipidemia are presented.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Vliyanie rozuvastatina na strukturnofunktsional'noe sostoyanie endoteliya u bol'nykh khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu ishemicheskoy etiologii

Bochenina Y., Kuznetsov G., Tenchurina L.


Causes of endothelial dysfunction in chronic heart failure (CHF) are diverse and are associated with a long-term hemodynamic overload conducting arteries, hyperactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic-adrenal system, which manifests itself a perversion of endothelial dilating response to ordinary stimuli. The aim of the work was to study the structure of endothelial function in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology during therapy with rosuvastatin. The study found that patients with maladaptive remodeling and CHD, there is a marked vascular remodeling, which manifests itself by a sharp decline in vasoregulating endothelial function. In patients receiving rosuvastatin at a daily dose of 20 mg in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology in 3 months is a significant improvement in vasoregulating endothelial function, lipid profile and structural parameters of functional cardiac remodeling.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Novye ul'tradlitel'nye beta-2-agonisty v terapii khronicheskoy obstruktivnoy bolezni legkikh

Knyazheskaya N.


Bronchodilators occupy a central place in the pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). All new medicines proposed in recent years are the drugs with broncholytic action (long acting β 2-agonists, long-acting mucolytics, phosphodiesterase selective inhibitors). The use of bronchodilators allows to reduce the severity of dyspnea and other symptoms, and increases the exercise tolerance approximately in 40 % of patients with COPD. Indacaterol is a new representative of ultra-long-acting β 2-agonist with a rapid action. The main feature of the drug is its extremely high affinity to lipid rafts of the cell membrane; therefore, indacaterol able to act about 24 hours, allowing to use it once a day. In addition, indacaterol has a high cardiosafety profile.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Antianginal'naya i antigipertenzivnaya effektivnost' bisoprolola: sravnenie generika Bidop s original'nym preparatom

Protasov K., Dzizinskiy A., Shevchenko O., Sinkevich D., Shevchenko A., Shakir-Aliev R., Akior'eva O., Bakanach S., Antonenko N.


The comparison of clinical efficacy and safety of the bisoprolol and its generic drug in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and patients with exertional angina was performed. In total, 30 patients with 1-2 degree I-II stage AH were evaluated (median age - 47 years). Patients were randomized into the groups receiving original bisoprolol (Concor ®, Merck KGaA, Germany) and its generic (Bidop ®, Gedeon Richter, Hungary), which were administered at the initial dose of 5 mg/day. After 6 weeks of treatment and 2 weeks of washout period, drug was replaced with an alternative preparation, and then treatment was continued for up to six weeks. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), adverse events were recorded initially, at the 2 nd and the 6 th week of therapy; results of self-monitoring of blood pressure were analyzed at the same time points. At baseline and at 6 weeks, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was performed. 6-week treatment has significantly decreased office blood pressure on 23,0/10,5 mm Hg in the group of the original bisoprolol, and on 21,2/10,0 mm Hg in the generic group; intergroup differences were nonsignificant. Target blood pressure (< 140/90 mm Hg) was achieved in 71,4 % of patients in the first group, and in 64,3 % of patients in the second group (p =0,57). The degree of heart rate fall also not differed and was 11,8 and 10,1 bpm, respectively. According to the data of self-monitoring and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, unidirectional and comparable in intensity changes of mean blood pressure and heart rate were revealed. In another fragment of study including 18 patients with stable exertional angina, it was shown that both drugs have a similar antianginal effects, reducing the signs of ischemia. It is concluded that of the original bisoprolol Concor and its generic Bidop have a clinical equivalence in safety, antianginal and antihypertensive effects.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):57-63
pages 57-63 views

Analiz effektivnosti trimetazidina prolongirovannogo deystviya v lechenii ishemicheskoy bolezni serdtsa, razvivsheysya na fone normal'nogo arterial'nogo davleniya

Shaposhnik I., Vvedenskaya N.


The article discusses the role of trimetazidine sustained release (the prolonged release) at patients with coronary heart disease, its role as the main anti-anginal drug without hemodynamic effect at patients with normal blood pressure.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Novye formy topicheskikh dekongestantov v lechenii ostrogo vospaleniya slizistoy obolochki nosa

Nosulya E., Kim I., Vinnikov A., Vasina L.


The article considers the problem of acute rhinitis (AR), in which most common cause is a viral infection. Pathogenic mechanisms of AR associated with the violation of the ciliated epithelium and depression of mechanisms of local protection of upper respiratory tract are discussed. In AR, given the morphological and functional disorders in the nasal cavity and the clinical manifestations of the disease (nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea), the use of decongestants for rapid reduction of swelling, restoration of patency of the nasal passages and improvement of nasal breathing, is appropriate and pathogenetically justified component of treatment.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Sovremennye podkhody k lecheniyu grippa

Orlova N.


The article presents methods of prevention and treatment of influenza. The mechanisms of action of antiviral drugs are described; a comparison of antiviral agents is presented. Special attention is paid to Ergoferon, a new medication with complex activity created on the basis of affinity purified antibodies to human interferon γ, histamine and CD4. Three-component composition of Ergoferon affects different mechanisms of inflammatory reaction with the development of an adequate antiviral response; this allows to recommend Ergoferon as a drug of choice for the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases, including influenza, in an outpatient settings.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Al'ginaty v kupirovanii klinicheskikh proyavleniy dispepsii i gastroezofageal'noy reflyuksnoy bolezni

Bulgakov S.


The article considers the potentials for the use of alginates in relieving the symptoms of dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Among the drugs, special place is given to Gaviscon and Gaviscon forte, which are based on sodium alginate. The basic mechanisms of action of alginates differing from those of the “classical" antacids are described. Information about the effectiveness of Gaviscon and Gaviscon forte in the treatment of GERD, dyspepsia and their symptoms is presented. The place of alginates in the treatment of some acid-related diseases and dyspepsia is discussed.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Insulinorezistentnost' i povyshenie arterial'nogo davleniya - dve tseli antigipertenzivnoy terapii

Nedogoda S.


The review discusses the problem of pathogenetic relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and arterial hypertension (AH). Along with genetically determined IR, stress, overeating, obesity and hypodinamia are the leading factors for its development in 50 % of cases. The mechanism of tissue IR, the role of IR in the pathogenesis of AH, and requirements for antihypertensive therapy against the background of IR are presented. Comparative analysis of the major classes of antihypertensive drugs used for this purpose is demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Konservativnoe lechenie khronicheskoy venoznoy nedostatochnosti

Kotaev A., Nikolaev A.


Complex treatment of chronic venous insufficiency is directed to a number of pathogenic processes responsible for the progression of varicose vein disease. They include elimination of edema, and the impact on various components of the blood coagulation system, improvement of microcirculation, and normalization of metabolic processes. The use of conservative treatment (medication, elastic compression) allows to lessen swelling, reduce pain, and has a good cosmetic effect.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):88-93
pages 88-93 views

Vozmozhnost' mestnogo primeneniya NPVS pri lechenii ostrogo faringita

Zaytseva O.


Acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, a one of the most common reasons for visits to doctors, are characterized primarily by pain syndrome against the background of severe inflammatory response. Flurbiprofen, an active substance of the drug Strepsils ® Intensive (formerly Strepfen), inhibits the cyclooxygenase, reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid, and has a powerful local anti-inflammatory effect. The efficacy and safety of the drug Strepsils ® Intensive were evaluated. According to domestic and foreign studies, a statistically significant analgesic effect occurs within 15 minutes after drug intake and lasts for at least 2-3 hours.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):94-97
pages 94-97 views

Kardioselektivnyy beta-adrenoblokator bisoprolol v lechenii arterial'noy gipertenzii

Davydova S.


The article is devoted to one of the main groups of drugs used in cardiology, - β-blockers (BB), in particular bisoprolol. Indications and contraindications for the use of BB, the principles of transition from monotherapy to combined therapy of arterial hypertension (AH) are presented. Particular attention is paid to the drug Bisogamma ®, a cardioselective BB without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, which acts selectively on β-adrenergic receptors, and its antihypertensive effect is based on the reduction of cardiac output, inhibition of renin secretion by the kidneys. A multicomponent antihypertensive effect of Bisogamma® against the background of metabolic neutrality allows to recommend this cardioselective BB for the treatment of hypertensive patients with with obesity, disorders of blood lipid and glycemic profiles, and with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):98-103
pages 98-103 views

Pochechnaya kolika

Vertkin A., Topolyanskiy A.


The article considers etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of renal colic. The most common cause of renal colic is ureteral stone obstruction as a complication of urolithiasis. The prevalence of urolithiasis is 5-9 % in Europe and about 13 % in the U.S. Renal colic is urgent situation, ranking second in frequency after appendicitis in emergency medicine (not including traumas). Renal colic has a social implication, because it most often occurs in working-age population. In addition, renal colic has threatening complications, including death. All this requires the clinician's awareness about this disease and providing timely adequate medical care. This is subject of this article.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):104-107
pages 104-107 views

Arterial'naya gipotenziya: patogenez, diagnostika, lechenie

Vertkin A., Volobuev P., Moskvichev V., Papikhin V.


The article considers the mechanisms of development of arterial hypotension (AH); the classification of its forms is presented, current approaches to the treatment of hypotension are discussed. It is emphasized that medical treatment is not necessary in case of physiological hypertension and hypotension without unwellness. In other cases, maintenance of perfusion in vital organs, and timely diagnosis and treatment of underlying disease - the cause of reduction in blood pressure - are required. The most common errors in the treatment of AH are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2012;(17):108-111
pages 108-111 views