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编号 3S (2015)


Podderzhivayushchaya terapiya pri bipolyarnom affektivnom rasstroystve

Ushkalova A., Ushkalova E.


Selection of the optimal maintenance pharmacotherapy in bipolar affective disorder (BAR) is complicated by the limited availability of comparative evidence that makes the difference in the recommended first- and second-line drugs in various treatment guidelines. The article presents the evidence base for the main groups of drugs used for the treatment of BAR. It is noted that monotherapy with one of first-line drugs, which proved to be effective as a preventive measure, is justified for maintenance treatment in most patients with BAR.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):6-12
pages 6-12 views

Sravnitel'noe issledovanie vliyaniya antidepressivnoy terapii na kognitivnye narusheniya u bol'nykh nepsikhoticheskimi depressivnymi rasstroystvami

Akhapkin R., Maslova M., Fayzulloev A.


The analysis of the results of prospective non-randomized clinical trial of the influence of antidepressants and their combination with nootropics and cognitive-behavioral therapy on cognitive impairment in patients with non-psychotic depressive disorders was performed. In patients with depressive disorders, the lower parameters of short-term memory, neurodynamic activity, regulatory (executive) functions, stress resistance and strength of the nervous processes in comparison with the average values in population were identified. Application of thymoanaleptics did not have a positive impact on short-term memory, improving neurodynamic performance in general. At the same time, tricyclic antidepressants had negative impact on attention. Improvement of short term memory occurred only in case of use of nootropic drugs in addition to the therapy. Combined use of antidepressants and cognitive-behavioral therapy increased the positive impact on many parameters of cognitive functioning.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Osobennosti reagirovaniya detey razlichnogo vozrasta na razvod roditeley

Rusakovskaya O., Kharitonova N.


Based on the survey of 117 children in the framework of forensic psychological and psychiatric examination, reactions to psychotraumatic situations such as high-conflict divorce typical for children of different ages are detailed. The limits of competence of general practitioners in writing opinions for the court at the request of one of the parent are discussed. It is emphasized that the ascertainment of a possible negative impact of communication or living with one of the parents on the mental condition of the child is not within the competence of general practitioners and is the subject of a special complex psychological and psychiatric examination in the framework of forensic investigation.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Sovremennye rekomendatsii po farmakoterapii ostrogo epizoda bipolyarnoy depressii

Ushkalova A., Ushkalova E.


Optimal pharmacotherapy of bipolar depression (BD) still remains a matter of debate. The article presents the recommendations of various countries on the choice of therapeutic tactics in the treatment of BD episode. The analysis of the contradictions in the international recommendations was performed; it is emphasized that despite the conflicting views of experts on the appropriateness of antidepressants for the treatment of BD, this group of drugs is still the most widely used in real medical practice.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Shizofreniya u patsienta s gepatitom S i ortotopicheskim pechenochnym transplantatom: klinicheskiy sluchay

Bardenshteyn L., Shcherbakova I., Trifonov O., Khokhlov V.


Currently, problems of comorbidity of somatic and mental disease are studied actively in the medicine. Combination of mental illness and chronic liver disease is of particular note. Management of such cases involves careful selection of psychopharmacological medication based on a weighted evaluation of its adverse undesirable effects, especially hepatotoxicity and possible metabolic interactions with drugs used for concomitant therapy. A clinical observation of the patient with paranoid schizophrenia, chronic hepatitis C and orthotopic liver transplant is presented (02.12.2011). He is taking immunnosupressive therapy constantly: tacrolimus, Mycophenolatis Mofetilum. Onset of mental illness refers, most probably, to 2011, when he first experienced verbal deceptions of perception and ideas of his special mission and relevance. In July 2014 the patient's mental condition has deteriorated significantly, with development of hallucinatory-paranoid state with catatono-oneiric inclusions, and he was hospitalized to psychiatric hospital. The main difficulty in the management of the patient was the choice of antipsychotics. As a pathogenetic treatment for schizophrenia, we used atypical antipsychotic olanzapine. The choice of this particular drug was dictated by the high clinical efficacy of olanzapine in the treatment of disease and low risk of adverse side effects - hepatotoxicity, extrapyramidal symptoms. This makes olanzapine the most preferred drug for the treatment of schizophrenia in a patient with hepatitis C and liver transplants.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Panicheskoe rasstroystvo v nevrologicheskoy praktike

Golovacheva V., Andryushchenko A.


Panic disorder (PD) is a common disease among patients visiting a neurologist. PD is often associated with insomnia, primary headaches, back pain and neck pain, frequently is not diagnosed, and the condition of patients is mistakenly regarded as «vegetative dystonia syndrome», «osteochondrosis of the cervical spine» or «encephalopathy» (patients of the older age group ). Diagnosis of PD and the aforementioned diseases often do not cause any difficulties. Modern methods of treatment of PD include psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy - CBT as first choice treatment and psychodynamic psychotherapy as second choice treatment), psycho-pharmacotherapy (antidepressants), and their combinations. These therapies allow to help to most patients with PD. The article presents the results of own authors’ observation of 80 patients with chronic daily headache (CDH), including 26 (32.5%) patients suffering from PD. By the example of clinical case, effective treatment of patient suffering from CDH and PD using CBT and antidepressant paroxetine is demonstrated. The data on the efficacy of paroxetine in the PD are presented.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Glutamatergicheskaya terapiya bolezni Al'tsgeymera

Kolykhalov I.


For effective pharmacological correction of the various stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) should be used already developed the therapy algorithms. Cholinesterase inhibitors (CEI) approved as a standard first-line therapy in patients with mild to moderate AD. Memantine may be used as monotherapy or in combination with a CEI for patients with moderate AD, and as monotherapy for patients with severe AD.The results of generalised analysis show that memantine potentially effective and well tolerated in patients with moderate to severe AD. Memantine has a positive effect on cognitive function and also benefits for language function. It has a positive effect on the behavioral and psychotic symptoms, including irritability and aggression, which are known to be associated with rapid disease progression and increased caregiver burden. Since the mechanism of action of memantine different for CEI, we can suppose that memantine can be effective in patients with resistance or poor quality of response CEI. Furthermore, memantine can be administered in the early stage of AD, in patients with language disorders.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Podkhody k psikhofarmakoterapii bol'nykh pozhilogo vozrasta na etapakh prinuditel'nogo lecheniya

Vinnikova I., Laz'ko N., Dmitriev A., Ospanova A.


The article deals with current issues of compulsory treatment of elderly patients. The authors have presented differentiated schemes of psychopharmacotherapy developed for patients with schizophrenia and organic personality disorder in this age group with depressive-delusional and psycho-organic disorders. The article has justified the necessity of complex psychological and psychiatric approach, which allows to identify the main differential criteria for psychopathological disorders in the studied contingent in the form of clinical-dynamic and pathopsichological characteristics, their dynamics at the stage of compulsory treatment.
Pharmateca. 2015;(3S):50-55
pages 50-55 views