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编号 7 (2017)



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Pharmateca. 2017;(7):4-4
pages 4-4 views

Modern realities and potentials for the use of strong opioid analgesics in Russia

Palekhov A., Vvedenskaya E.


Effective relief of chronic intense pain is still a serious problem. The article analyzes the main changes in the federal regulatory and legal framework that expand the rights of medical workers in administration and prescription of narcotic drugs (ND) and psychotropic substances (PS). The authors emphasize that in order to carry out adequate analgesic therapy with the use of ND and PS it is necessary to make changes in some formulations of the legislative base, emphasizing the necessity of using these medicines for medical purposes when indicated. Attention is drawn to the fact that the organizational accessibility of the ND PS depends not only on federal normative legal acts, but also on the quality of their implementation in the field. The need for timely initiation of adequate analgesic therapy is emphasized; the tactics of choosing opioid analgesics (OA) and their dosage forms, as well as the main rules for their appointment are described. The impact of the duration of the effect of various dosage forms of OA on the development of opioid tolerance and hyperalgesia, and the growth of the narcogenic potential are explained. It is concluded that in order to conduct adequate analgesic therapy and improve its quality, it is extremely necessary to increase the level of administration of ND, but using the drugs with relatively low narcogenic potential and a relatively low risk of their non-medical use.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Experience of the use of genetically engineered biologic drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis after tofacitinib

Marusenko I.


The article is devoted to the actual problem - the change in the disease-modifying therapy of rheumatoid arthritis against the background of activity of the disease. The author gives his own observations concerning the management of patients after the cessation of therapy with the Janus kinase blocker tofacitinib. Based on four clinical examples, the selection of genetically engineered biological agents for the treatment of RA after the completion of therapy with tofacitinib administered due to the ineffectiveness of methotrexate is discussed.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Therapy with nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs in patients with acute nonspecific low back pain: dynamics of renal function: results of «PANDA» cogort study

Zolotovskaya I., Davydkin I., Borovkova N.


The «PANDA» trial was aimed to the evaluation of renal function in patients with acute nonspecific low back pain against the background of therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The study included 407patients who have received one of four NSAIDs: meloxicam (15 mg/day), etoricoxib (60 mg/day), nimesulide (200 mg/day) or celecoxib (200 mg/day) for 14 days. At five visits, blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and blood cystatin-C values were monitored. According to the results of the observation, there were no clinically significant changes in the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, GFR and cystatin-C concentrations between the onset of therapy and the completion of the study in all groups of patients, regardless of the NSAID taken. Statistically Significant differences in all indicators studied were noted in the group of patients with history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus compared to patients without these diseases.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):16-24
pages 16-24 views

The experience of the use of denosumab in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with osteoporosis

Kovalenko P., Dydykina I., Smirnov A., Glukhova S., Alekseeva L., Nasonov E.


Therapy of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is directed not only to suppress inflammation, but also to prevent the loss of bone mineral density (BMD). Denosumab, a promising and principally new drug for the treatment of secondary osteoporosis (OP), which reffers to the group of genetically engineered biological preparations and is a monoclonal antibody binding RANKL. As a result, the interaction of RANKL with its receptor is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in the activity of osteoclasts and a decrease in the resorption of bone tissue. The article presents the results of evaluation of the effect of densomab on the BMD of the axial and peripheral skeleton of RA patients with OP. It was shown that therapy with dosumab 60 mg subcutaneously 2 times a year with an interval of 6 months between injections allowed to significantly increase the BMD in the lumbar spine and the femoral neck, and also to stabilize the BMD in the distal forearm of RA patients with OP regardless of glucocorticosteroid intake.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Concentrations of stable metabolites of nitric oxide in the serum and urine of patients with ankilosing spondyloarthritis

Sukhikh E., Simonova O.


The levels of stable metabolites of nitric oxide (NO) in the serum and urine of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (ASA) have been determined. The study included 93 patients with a confirmed ASA and a group of healthy donors (n=35). Thirty patients with ASA were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 33 - with NSAIDs and prospidin, 30 - with NSAIDs and methotrexate. The concentrations of stable metabolites of NO in serum and urine were determined before treatment and 3, 6, 12 months after initiation of therapy. The clinical value of levels of stable metabolites of NO in blood serum and urine in patients with ASA was evaluated depending on the clinical features of the disease and during the application of background therapy. It has been established that the level of stable metabolites of NO serves as an additional criterion for the activity of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Comparative efficacy and safety of three modes for use of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of chronic back pain

Gaidukova I., Khondkaryan E., Aparkina A., Rebrov A.


The article presents the results of evaluation the efficacy and safety of three modes for use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the treatment of chronic back pain with the participation of 100 patients over 18 years of age. The group of patients with deescalation use of NSAIDs (n=60) received amotolmetine guacyl (Niselat, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, India) 1800 mg for 14 days, followed by a decrease in the dose of the drug to 600 mg; the group of constant use of medium doses of NSAIDs received amotolmetine guacyl (AMG) at a dose of 1200 mg/day (n=20); the group of arbitrary intake of NSAIDs received therapy «on demand» (n=20). The follow-up period was 12 weeks. It was shown that the deescalation mode of AMG therapy was associated with a greater efficacy of chronic back pain treatment than a constant intake of moderate doses of AMG or arbitrary intake of various NSAIDs. An arbitrary intake of NSAIDs was associated with a lower gastrointestinal safety than AMG. The use of maximal doses of AMG (Niselat) was associated with a greater probability of destabilization of blood pressure than the administration of medium or minimal doses of the drug, and required a correction of antihypertensive therapy.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Leading factors for progression of osteoarthritis of the knee. Effects of symptomatic slow release preparations on the course of the disease (5-year prospective study)

Kashevarova N., Alekseeva L., Taskina E., Smirnov A.


Treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) is targeted both at the symptoms of the disease (reducing pain, inflammation, improving the functional state), and at slowing of the progression and improving the quality of life of patients. Symptomatic effects are achieved by a combination of non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments provided by numerous recommendations. Currently, there is sufficient evidence that symptomatic slow release preparations have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and structure-modifying effects.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Evaluation of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Chondrogard in patients with osteoarthrosis of the knee and comorbidity

Sharapova E., Kashevarova N., Taskina E., Anikin S., Korotkova T., Alekseeva L.


Osteoarthrosis (OA) is one of the most common joint diseases among diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the population, the prevalence of this disease correlates with age, reaching the maximum (60-70%) over the age of 65 years. According to the epidemiological study, OA with the primary lesion of knee and/or hip affects 13.0% of the population in Russia. Progression of OA leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of life of patients due to persistent pain syndrome, impaired functional state of the joints, and is often the cause of disability, which is an important social and economic problem. It was found that OA refers to diseases with high comorbidity, and most often is combined with arterial hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases (coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis), obesity, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Influence of symptomatic slow release preparations on quality of life of patients with osteoarthrosis of joints of the hand

Simonova O., Leushina E., Sukhikh E., Timin M.


The quality of life was assessed in 120 female patients with osteoarthrosis of joints of the hands receiving chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, diacerein and aceclofenac during 18-month follow-up. It was revealed that therapy with repeated courses of diacerein and chondroitin sulfate improves the quality of life of patients with osteoarthrosis of joints of the hands according to the physical health scales, and chondroitin sulfate - according to the psychological health scales.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):52-55
pages 52-55 views

Immunostimulating preparations of bacterial origin in the complex of concervative treatment of lumbary osteochondrosis

Bektoshev R., Ergashev M., Zhumayev U., Bektoshev O., Usmonov R., Bektoshev S.


The article presents the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of nonspecific immunostimulator broad-spectrum (IM) in the complex of conservative treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis. 66 patients with lumbar osteochondrosis underwent clinical neurological, functional-spondylographic examinations, computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography imaging before the conservative therapy with the use of intramuscular injections of this drug and without its use. It is shown that the use of IM effective pathogenetic method for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Application of antiplatelets in cerebrovascular disease

Karavashkina A., Tsoy I., Dadasheva M.


Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main causes of mortality and disability of patients. According to statistical data, mortality from cerebrovascular diseases reaches 11-12% in economically developed countries. Rheological and biochemical characteristics of the blood have a critically importance in the development of cerebrovascular pathology, since microcirculation disorders are often detected with an increase in the functional activity of platelets, blood viscosity, latent signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation. One of the risk factors for cerebrovascular disease is the activation of the vascular-platelet phase of hemostasis and the violation of the rheological properties of the blood - an increase in blood clotting ability, which can lead to dangerous consequences for the human body, thrombosis. In this regard, in order to prevent the activation of intravascular thrombosis, the use of antiplatelet agents is pathogenetically justified. Antiplatelets are a complex and very important class o drugs that requires special attention both in the choice of a particular agent and in the period of its use. Dipyridamole refers to pyrimidine derivatives, it is an effective antiplatelet drug with vasodilating properties. A complex mechanism of action of dipyridamole due to its antiaggregatory properties due to the inhibition of the reactivity of the platelets, the drug improves microcirculation by reducing platelets aggregation and increasing their deformability, angioprotective properties - enhances the synthesis of endothelial growth factor and angiogenesis.. Dipyridamole also has vasodilating effect, it is important to note selectively directed vasodilatory effect on small vessels due to inhibition of the capture of adenosine and the suppression of the production of phosphodiesterase.
Pharmateca. 2017;(7):59-63
pages 59-63 views