
Gastrointestinal toxicity during therapy with 5-fluorouracil
Yakimenko Y., Kutukov V., Antonyan V., Gaziev M.
Prospective randomized phase III trial comparing FOLFIRINOX and mFOLFOX6 as first-line treatment for patients with disseminated gastric cancer: interim assessment of tolerability and toxicity
Gavrilova D., Besova N., Obarevich E., Makiev G., Tryakin A., Stilidi I.
Toxicological properties of a new anti-tuberculosis drug from the group of diarylquinolines
Savchenko A., Ramenskaya G., Kukes V.
Dermatological toxity of alpelisib: clinical experience and review of current guidelines
Gordeeva O., Ganshina I., Garifullina V.
Acneiform rash - dermatological adverse event in the therapy with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies
Shatokhina E., Kruglova L., Polonckaia A., Nosikova P.
Opyt lecheniya bol'nykh metastazami kolorektal'nogo raka: irinotekan+raltitreksed (2-ya liniya khimioterapii)
Vorontsova K., Dobrova N., Vakhabova Y., Vyshinskaya G.
Sravnitel'nyy analiz neposredstvennoy effektivnosti trekhkomponentnogo (antratsiklinsoderzhashchego) i dvukhkomponentnogo (bezantratsiklinovogo) rezhimov induktsionnoy khimioterapii mestno-rasprostranennogo raka nosoglotki
Bolotina L., Kornietskaya A., Deshkina T.
Influence of pharmacogenetic parameters on clinical variants of methotrexate toxicity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children
Guryeva O., Savelyeva M., Valiev T.
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