Influence of a method of gear treatment on durability on a bend of teeth of cylindrical wheels of automobiles and tractors

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Principal causes of failure of cylindrical cogwheels of automobiles and tractors are considered. Influence of radius of a transitive curve on durability on a bend a tooth of a wheel is shown. The design procedure of radius of a transitive curve is given at processing wheels by methods of running-in and copying. It is shown, that the method of copying allows to increase radius of a transitive curve, and, hence, and durability of a tooth by a bend. On the basis of the comparative analysis characteristics of durability the automobile and tractor cogwheels processed by methods of running-in and copying, it is shown, that the method of copying allows to raise (increase) durability of a tooth of a wheel on a bend on 10 … 15 %.

About the authors

V M Vinogradov


к.т.н. доц; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

A A Cherepakhin


к.т.н. доц; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2009 Vinogradov V.M., Cherepakhin A.A.

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