Features of Forming Disks of Gas Turbine Engines of Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloys with a Physical Model of Liquid-Phase Sintering of Pellets

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The paper outlines the test results for technology which enables to manufacture the prototype jet engine disks out of powder nickel-based alloy EP741NP using a liquid phase sintering, hot isostatic pressing and plastic deforming. The results are based upon the liquid phase sintering model for powder materials. The obtained test results make it possible to manufacture the isothermal rolled disk.

About the authors

I A Burlakov

NIID, Federal State Enterprise Salut

к.т.н., с.н.с; «НИИД», ФГУП ММПП «Салют»; NIID, Federal State Enterprise Salut


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  2. Самойлов О.И., Бурлаков И.А., Поклад В.А. Изготовление заготовок из никелевого сплава ЭП741НП методом изотермического многопереходного деформирования. «Физика и техника высоких давлений», 2007, том 17, № 2.

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Copyright (c) 2008 Burlakov I.A.

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