Studies of Microcutting Kinematics on Designing Grinding Heads to Form the Sealing Surfaces on the Parts of Pipe Fitting




Authors study technologies of grinding sealing surfaces of pipe fitting saddles. The aim of research is to reduce complexity and improve the quality of the repair by mechanization of finishing stages of this process. In the present work mechanization is exercised due mobile grinding and lapping devices, the authors offered appropriate theoretical model of the kinematic process of microcutting for the circular motion of the oscillating plane-grinding or lapping disks.


S Gaysin

Irkutsk State Technical University

8 964 655 21 28; НИ ИрГТУ; Irkutsk State Technical University

L Tsvik

Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering

д.т.н. проф; ИрГУПС; Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering

S Mukhin

D Travin


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版权所有 © Gaysin S.N., Tsvik L.B., Mukhin S.V., Travin D.V., 2011

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