Supervision of new phenomena in a flow-pattern of viscous liquid




After the exact decision of the equations of movement of a viscous liquid (the equations of Navier-Stokes) under condition of the established current and non compressible liquids it has been revealed that only limited number of lines can appear as the real currents trajectories. This number includes direct lines, concentric circles and some spirals, axis symmetrical currents and currents at which the whirlwind of speed is constant (or equal to zero). It is essential that the established flow of a sphere or the cylinder is impossible, since trajectories of such current are not present among the specified ones. For revealing of sphere flow features, the uniform movement observation was carried out (both single spheres of different size and rigidly connected ones). These spheres formed a figure similar to the single «dumbbells» Or doubled at right angle to two «dumbbells». Experiences have found out the fact of a spontaneous twisting of spheres and «dumbbells» With the speed of a circular motion proportional to linear speed of spheres in motionless water of lake. Thus the twisting occurred always if there was no initial indignation, only counter-clockwise as at movement of spheres in directions the north-south, and the east-West, and upwards-downwards that proves that on rotation of spheres rotation of the Earth cannot render influence.


V Vyskrebtsov

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

к.т.н. доц(495) 223-05-23 доб. 1465; МГТУ «МАМИ»; Moscow State Technical University MAMI


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