卷 6, 编号 3 (2009)


Whether all ACE inhibitors enzyme are identical? Focus on zofenopril.

Ratova L., Chazova I.


The results of randomized clinical trials were analyzed. The therapy with an ACE inhibitor zofenopril in patients with cardiovascular disease resulted to reduction of cardiovascular complications and mortality risk. Zofenopril was safe and well-tolerated patients. Ongoing zofenopril trials are also reviewed.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Efficacy of the fixed combination β-blocker and calcium antagonist Logimax at women with an essential hypertensionin different age groups

Ostroumova O., Zhukova O., Golovina O., Srednyakov A., Otdelenov A.


The functional condition of endothelium is investigated at 36 patients with arterial hypertension II-III of a stage (aged 44-80 years) during 3 monthly treatments by fixed combination metoprolol succinate + felodipine (Logimax). Blood pressure (BP) was monitored for 24 hours. Endothelial vasodilatation function and thickness of a complex intimae - media were evaluated with ultrasonic duplex scanning of arteries. It has been revealed reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and structural remodeling of peripheral arteries in elderly hypertensives. Alongside with high antihypertensive activity, indapamid retard positively influenced on structural and functional characteristics of humeral arteries.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Prevention of cardiovascular events at patients with arterial hypertension at treatmentangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.

Kislyak O., Postnikova S.


Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor is one of basic antihypertensive drugs for treatment of arterial hypertension at first stages of the disease. The review summarizes the data on different ACE inhibitors.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Efficacy of amlodipin in treatment of arterial hypertension.

Prokhorovich E.


The article summarizes the available data on amlodipin in hypertensive patients of high cardiovascular risk. The results of studies demonstrate strong and long-lasting antihypertensive effect of ramipril. Moreover, amlodipin treatment decreases cardiovascular events rate, damage of target organs and atherosclerosis progression. Amlodipin shows both high efficacy and good safety. All this properties make amlodipin extremely attractive for the everyday practice.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Mesto agonistov imidazolinovykh retseptorov v lechenii arterial'noy gipertenzii: rezul'taty issledovaniya MERSY v Rossii

Chazova I., Mychka V., Ratova L.


Цель: продемонстрировать долгосрочную безопасность и эффективность Моксонидина, назначаемого с целью снижения артери- ального давления (АД) пациентам с артериальной гипертензией (АГ) и метаболическим синдромом (МС). Материалы и методы: в ис- следование включено 274 пациента с АГ и МС (26% мужчин и 74% женщин). Результаты: на терапии моксонидином у всех больных клиническое АД снизилось на 29/1514/10 мм рт.ст. (р<0,001). По данным клинического АД целевой уровень на терапии моксониди- ном достигнут у 49% больных. В биохимическом анализе крови общий холестерин уменьшился на 1,1 ммоль/л, глюкоза на 1,1 ммоль/л. Заключение: Моксонидин оказывал антигипертензивным эффект, улучшал состояние углеводного и липидного обмена.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):22-24
pages 22-24 views

The combination therapy: when efficiency and safety go an arm about arm

Chazova I., Ratova L.


Aim: To evaluate efficacy and tolerance of a compound drug Co-renitec combining an ACE inhibitor enalapril maleate and diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. Co-renitec taken for 16 weeks in patients with essential hypertension (EH). Material and methods: 28 patients with EH (16 males and 12 females aged 47-74 years) of mean duration 132 years. Blood pressure (BP) was monitored for 24 hours with the device SL 90207 (SpaceLabs Medical, USA). Microalbuminuria (MAU) was estimated with the use of immunoturbodimetric test. Results: By 24-hour monitoring, Co-renitec reduced day BP by 15/9 - 3/2 mm Hg, nocturnal BP lowered by 19/12 - 3/2 mmHg, pulse pressure also fell. Coefficient T/P was 53% for systolic BP (SBP) and 60% for diastolic BP (DBP). The target BP was reached in 70% patients. Co-renitec significantly decreased MAU, albumines excretion normalized in 46% patients. Conclusion: Co-renitec lowers both day and nocturnal blood pressure, improves 24-h rhythm of BP, has a positive effect on the kidneys. This allows its recommendation as a first-line drug in patients with moderate and severe EH.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Atherosclerotic stenos of renal arteries at patients with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension.

Fomin V., Moiseev S., Shvetsov M., Mukhin N.


Problems of diagnostics and treatment of ischemic renal disease (atherosclerotic stenosis of renal arteries) at patients with diabetes mellitus are discussed.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Angiotensin receptor blockers in nephroprotection at patients with diabetes mellitus: focus on losartan

Vikulova O., Shestakova M.


Many large studies have provided strong evidence that there is an association of elevated BP with a risk for cardiovascular events (CVE), such as stroke, myocardial infarction and heart failure. But none of the studies has indicated that a drug is more effective than another one in reducing the risk for CVE and death. The article summarizes the available data on ramipril in hypertensive patients of high cardiovascular risk. The results of studies demonstrate strong and long-lasting antihypertensive effect of losartan. Moreover, losartan treatment decreases cardiovascular events rate, damage of target organs, atherosclerosis progression and new cases of diabetes mellitus. Losartan shows both high efficacy and low adverse event rate.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):33-37
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Dynamics of blood pressure, heart rate variability and QTc in patients with metabolic syndrome on the selective betablockerand biguanide therapy.

Ryabykina G., Shishova T., Laptev D., Mychka V., Lyutikova L., Kozhemyakina E., Shchedrina E., Sobolev A., Chazova I.


Aim: this study the changes of blood pressure (BP), heart rate variability (HRV) characteristics, average weighed rhythmogram variation (AWRV) and QTc in patients with metabolic syndrome (MC) and arterial hypertension (AH) before and after therapy of betablocker, metformin and their combination. Materials: 51 patients with МС and AH were enrolled in the study. The patients were randomization on 3 groups: the monotherapy of nebivolol (N) 5 mg/days (n=18), the monotherapy of metformin (M) 1700 mg/days (n=15) and nebivolol+metformin combination therapy (N+M) (n=18). The estimated variables included of BP, HRV, AWRV and QTc before and after 24 weeks of the treatment. Results: after 24 weeks of the N treatment QTc interval change from 44823 ms to 43317ms (p<0.05), AWRV change from 784198 ms to 9355315 (p>0.05). Treatment of M changes AWRV from 872234 ms to 761195 (p>0.05), QTc from 44825 ms to 43427 ms (p<0.05). Treatment of the combination N+M therapy did not significant dynamics of AWRV and QTc. Conclusion: The conclusion: the nebivolol monotherapy increased HRV. Metformin monotherapy and combination N+M therapy does not significant change HRV. The monotherapy of N or M leads to reduction of interval QTc.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):38-56
pages 38-56 views

Contraindications and adverse events of drugs in cardioneurological patients.

Kompaniets O.


In our days big attention is drawn to safe drug therapy. It importance is associated with great prevalence of medical products side effects and consequences, high economic expenses for their correction. Knowing specific features of adverse drug reactions in different groups of patients it could be possible to decrease their prevalence and magnitude.
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Performance of the Program of prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension in Ukraine (1999-2007)

Sirenko Y.


The articles represents analysis of monitoring of epidemiological situation and dynamics of statistical parameters of health of the population connected with arterial hypertension from the standpoint of realization of measures on fulfillment of the National program of prophylaxis and treatment of arterial hypertension in Ukraine (1999-2007 year).
Systemic Hypertension. 2009;6(3):61-68
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