Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis of diseases of solitary kidney in men

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Aim. Optimization of early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in men with solitary functioning kidney by means of comorbidity analysis. Methods. Comorbidities and androgen status in 90 men (mean age 54,5±5,2 years) with solitary functioning kidney were analysed. Results. 65,6% men with solitary functioning kidney have comobities, 35,5% - androgen deficiency, which is most frequently found in patients with obesity and diabetes mellitus. Obesity, insulin-resistance and diabetes mellitus are predominantley seen in patients with androgen deficiency. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was the most valuable parameter in characterization of kidney function and correlated with endogenous testosterone level (r=0,245, p<0,05). Conclusion. In men with solitary functioning kidney decrease of estimated glomerular filtration rate is associated with androgen deficiency and connected comorbidities.

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About the authors

I. A Tiuzikov


A. P Ivanov


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