Metaphylaxis in patients with gout, complicated by urolithiasis and nephropathy

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Aim. Estimation of clinical efficacy of metaphylaxis in patients with gout, urate nephrolithiasis and nephropathy. Methods. 112 (79 men, 33 women, mean age 57+7 years) with gout, urate nephrolithiasis and nephropathy were included into the study. All of them were treated with Trometamol n (500 ml intravenously, course of 10 infusions). Duration of gout varied from 2 to 27 years (mean і0,2 years). Results. Use of Trometamol N was associated with decrease of uricemia, creatininemia and increase of urinary uric acid excretion. Gout arthritis attack was seen in only 1 (0,9%) of patients. Trometamol N was well tolerated. Conclusion. Trometamol N can be used for uricemia control in patients with gout and uric acid nephropathy.

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