Use of Blemaren in patients with uretherolithiasis

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Aim. Estimation of efficacy of Blemaren therapy in patients with urate nephrolithiasis and uretherolithiasis. Methods. 24 patients (із male, 11 female, age 23 - 65 years) with uretherolithiasis received Blemaren for 1 month. Size of uretheral concrements varied from 0,2 to і,2 sm. Changes of uretheral concrements size was detected by ultrasound scanning, X-Ray and multispiral computed tomography. Results. after Blemaren therapy in і4 (58,3%) patients complete dissolution of uretheral concrements was detected without upper urinary tract drainage. In 10 (4і,7%) patients diminishing of concrement's size was noticed. Conclusion. Blemaren therapy is associated with dissolution of uretheral concrements in more than 50% of patients with urate nephrolithiasis.

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