Use of lateral abdominal roentgenography by Kauppila method for estimation of prevalence and severity of calcinosis of abdominal aorta in patients on program hemodialysis

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Aim. Estimation of prevalence and severty of calcinosis of abdominal aorta by lateral roentegnography (Kauppila method) in patients on program hemodialysis. Methods. Lateral roentegnography (Kauppila method) of abdominal aorta in patients on program hemodialysis was performed in 40 (22 male, 18 female, mean age 58,70 + і2,26 years, mean hemodialysis period duration 6,90 + 4,57 years) patients with terminal renal failure on chronic hemodialysis. Results. Signs of abdominal aorta calcification were found in 90 %, mean calcification index was 6,82 ± 5,9 (і-23) points. Abdominal aorta calcification severity increased with age, severity of secondary hyperparathyreoidism, and was also interrelated with bone-mineral metabolism parameters and therapeutic approaches. Conclusion. Lateral roentegnography (Kauppila method) of abdominal aorta can be used for diagnosis of vascular calcification in patients on program hemodialysis.

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