Evaluation of antiproteinuric effect of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 blocking drug in patients with chronicglomerulonephritis



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Aim of the study. To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the domestic drug that inhibits the action of MCP-і in patients with protein-uretic forms of chronic glomerulonephritis.
Material & Methods. The study included 7 patients with various morphological variants of CGN. All patients had active forms of CGN: 3 of them had marked nephrotic syndrome with preserved renal function and moderate hypertension, 4 had significant urinary syndrome with persistent proteinuria and hematuria, and 3 - an initially decreased GFR (62-74 ml/min, stage 2 CKD). The treatment course consisted of six weekly injections. Injections were given at different time intervals: 6 hours between injections 1 and 2, 24 hours between injections 3 and 4, and 48 hours between injections 5 and 6. For 6 patients the treatment course was repeated 4 weeks later. Urinary excretion of MCP-1 and TGF-ßl was analyzed using Elisa (MCP-і Bioscience, Austria, TGF-beta1 Invitrogen, usa), IL-8 in serum levels were measured with an Immulite.
Results. Decrease in proteinuria was noted in 4 of 7 CGN patients on days 7-14 of treatment, but antiproteinuretic effect lasted for a month. In contrast, 3 other CGN patients over the same period of observation were found to have the rise of proteinuria with the sharp increase of urinary levels of MCP-1 and IL-8 serum levels («cytokine» rebound) and decrease the urinary TGF-ß index. Further study of the medication was discontinued due to its low efficiency and lack of persistent effect.
Conclusion. The study medication has a quick antiproteinuric action, but absence of consistent effect limits its use in patients with active forms of CGN. The development of long-acting forms of MCP-і inhibitors and evaluation of their effectiveness in combination with standard immunosuppressive therapy is a promising direction of further research.


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