Relationship of renal excretory function impairment to serum erythropoietin level in chronic heart failure

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Aim. To evaluate opportunity using calculated gromerular filtration rate (GFR) as universal selection criterion for erythropoietin therapy indication in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods. 256 patients (132 male, 124 female) with CHF II-VI functional rate NYHA were examined. It was researched basic indices of peripheral red blood, excretory kidney function, levels of serum inflammatory markers and erythropoietin (Epo). Results. Statistic significance correlation between calculated GFR values and Epo levels was found in patients with CHF neither without anemia (r=-0,04 in male and r=-0,15 in female, р<0,05) nor with anemia (r=-0,04 in male and r=-0,15 in female, р<0,05). In both cases its' changes weren't depended from inflammatory reaction activity that was practically equal. Conclusion. Calculated GFR cannot be universal selection criterion for Epo-therapy indications in patients with CHF.

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