Hyperuricemia in chronic glomerulonephritis: clinical and functional features

  • Authors: Murkamilov I.T1,2, Sabirov I.S3, Fomin V.V4, Murkamilova Z.A5, Aitbaev K.A6, Imanov B.Z.6, Aydarov Z.A1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Kyrgyz State Medical Academy n.a. І.К. Akhunbaev
    2. National Center for Cardiology and Therapy n.a. Academician Mirsaid Mirrakhimov under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
    3. Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University n.a. The First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
    4. FSBEI HE "First Moscow State Medical University n.a. І.М. Sechenov"
    5. Center for Family Medicine № 7
    6. Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine under the National Center for Cardiology and Therapy of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Issue: No 1 (2018)
  • Pages: 31-37
  • Section: Articles
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/2075-3594/article/view/272773
  • ID: 272773

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Purpose. To evaluate clinical and functional manifestations of chronic glomerulonephritis against the background of the development of hyperuricemia. Material and Methods. і63 patients (і02 men and 41 women) with chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) at the predialysis stage of the disease aged from 17 to 71 years were examined. The study inclusion criteria was an increase in the plasma uric acid (PUA) concentration >0.42 mmol/l for men, and >0.36 mmol/l for women. All patients examined were divided into two groups depending on gender: group 1-men (n=102); group 2-women (n=41). The groups were matched by age, duration of CGN, parameters of hemodynamics and lipid spectrum. In addition to the clinical and laboratory tests, all patients underwent echocardiographic evaluation of structural changes in the heart. Results. Significant increases in the diameter of the ascending aorta (3.5і±0.43 vs 3.і4±0.25 cm, P<0.05), longitudinal size of the left atrium (3.57±0,47 vs. 3.36±0.39 cm, P<0.05), FINAL systolic (3.40±0.56 vs. 3.14±0.35 cm, P<0.05) and diastolic dimensions of the left ventricle (LV) (5.25±0.51 vs. 4.93±0.41 cm, P<0.05), as well as an increase in the LV mass index were detected in patients of group I (men) as compared with group 2 (women). In the group 2, A significant decrease in the hemoglobin levels (114.9±22.3 vs. 140.2±24.5 g/l, P<0.05), the number of erythrocytes (3.99±0.52x1012/L versus 4.54±0.54x1012/L, P<0.05), PLATELETS (230.6±28.4 1 09/L versus 246.1±28.3x109/L, P<0.05 ), and a decrease in GFR (43.9 [22.9-68.3] vs 62.4 [29.2-92.4] ml/min, P<0.05) were found. Men had a direct relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) level and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration (r=0.254; P=0.029) and inverse relationship with GFR (r=-0.264; P=0.029). In females, a positive relationship was observed between the SUA concentration and he diameter of the ascending aorta (r=0.493, P=0.012) and the value of LVMMI (r=0.327; P=0.046). Conclusions. In chronic glomerulonephritis atthe pre-dialysis stage of the disease, an increase in the serum uric acid concentration in men is accompanied by the appearance of structural changes in the left ventricle, in women - by the development of anemia and inhibition of the glomerular filtration rate.

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About the authors

I. T Murkamilov

Kyrgyz State Medical Academy n.a. І.К. Akhunbaev; National Center for Cardiology and Therapy n.a. Academician Mirsaid Mirrakhimov under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

Email: murkamilov.i@mail.ru
PhD in Medical Sciences, Nephrologist of the I Qualification Category, Teaching Assistant at the Department of Faculty Therapy Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

I. S Sabirov

Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University n.a. The First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Email: sabirov_is@mail.ru
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy № 2 in the Specialty "Medical Care" Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

V. V Fomin

FSBEI HE "First Moscow State Medical University n.a. І.М. Sechenov"

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy № 1 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Zh. A Murkamilova

Center for Family Medicine № 7

Nephrologist at the Centerfor Family Medicine № 7 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

K. A Aitbaev

Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine under the National Center for Cardiology and Therapy of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Pathological Physiology Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

B. Zh Imanov

Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine under the National Center for Cardiology and Therapy of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

PhD in Medical Science, Leading Researcher at the Department of Ultrasound Examination SRI of Molecular Biology and Medicine under the NCCT of MH of KR Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Z. A Aydarov

Kyrgyz State Medical Academy n.a. І.К. Akhunbaev

Email: aydarov.ziabidin.65@mail.ru
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Service Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


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