Life on hemodialysis: patients’ look into the future

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Objective. to analyze the views of patients on hemodialysis (HD) to address the issue of minimizing the consequences of social adaptation of patients to the procedure itself and to the difficult life situation in which they find themselves. material and methods. sociological survey of patients on hd (2018-2019) in the Altai territory (n=148), the Altai republic (n=84). results. it was found that most patients remain optimistic and have serious life plans for the future. at the same time, it is noted that patients increasingly perceive the hd procedure not as a heavy burden and a painful type of medical intervention, but as salvation and hope for the future. the analysis of the gender and age characteristics of the recipients, as well as their occupation, made it possible to differentiate the ideas about the future of patients, to assess the involvement of a serious illness in their daily life and the formation of life prospects. Conclusion. an important feature of the patients’ individual perception of their disease and its impact on the social well-being of people was revealed.

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About the authors

Evgeny A. Popov

Altai State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Head of the Department of General Sociology Barnaul, Russia


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