KIM-1 as the biomarker of acute kidney injury in patients with the acute coronary syndrome and oncological diseases

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Background. Patients with acute coronary syndrome (Acs) and oncological diseases (OD) have the increased risk of development of acute kidney injury (AKI) that can worsen the prognosis of a disease. kim-1 (kidney injury molecule) is a perspective biomarker for early diagnostics of aki. Objective. Evaluation of diagnostic and predictive value of urinary kim-1 levels in patients with Acs and OD. material and methods. The study included 87 patients. patients were divided in two groups: 1) main group: acs in combination with od (ACS+od; n=40); 2) comparison group: acs without od (ACS-od; n=47). on the first day of admission to the hospital, average portion of morning urine was collected in order to determine the kim-1 level (pg/ml). results. The median urinary kim-1 level in acs patients (n=87) was 725.6 (420.0-1087.5) pg/ml. patients in the acs+od group had higher kim-1 levels 921.o (425.i-1314.8) and 658.o (з45.6-921.4) pg/ml (P=o.oii). in patients with aki (n=28) compared to the patients without aki (N=59), urinary kim-1 level was higher: 999.3 (478.7-1303.3) and 668.2 (365.5-955.6) pg/ml (P =o.023). roc analysis revealed that urinary kim-1 level > 1047.23 pg/ml allowed to predict the development of contrast-induced aki (CI-AKI) in acs patients after selective coronary angiography (N=79) (AUC - 0.774; 95% CI, 0.666-0.860; р 1221.49 pg/ml. conclusion. The increased urinary kim-1 level was observed in development of aki; however, kim-1 showed the greatest importance as an early biomarker of ci-aki.

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About the authors

Zinaida D. Mikhailova

City Clinical Hospital № 38, Nizhny Novgorod

Dr.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

Dmitry V. Pivovarov

City Clinical Hospital № 38, Nizhny Novgorod


Svetlana M. Rumyantseva

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Hospital n.a. N.A. Semashko

Head of the Urgent Cardiology Intensive Care Unit

Almira R. Pivovarova

City Clinical Hospital № 38, Nizhny Novgorod



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