Tubulo-interstitial involvement in kidney disease in patients with infective endocarditis


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Aim. Assessment of incidence and severity of renal tubulo-interstitial damage in patients with infective endocarditis (IE) with kidney involvement.
Methods. 41 patients with IE were included into the study. In all patients albuminuria, urine level of α-2-microglobulin, activity of γ-glutamiltransferase (γ-GT) - enzyme of the brush border of tubular epithelium, mitochondrial enzyme lactatdehydrogenase (LDH), as well as markers of systemic inflammation - serum C-reactive protein and circulating immune complexes concentrations were determined.
Results. Patients with IE were characterized by significant elevation of enzymuria and urine α-2-microglobulin level; this parameters were highest in those patients, who received aminoglicozydes or vancomycin. Signs of glomerular and tubulo-interstitial involvement correlated with intensity of systemic inflammatory responce.
Conclusion. Patients with IE are characterized with renal tubulo-interstital involvement, associated with systemic inflammatory response, glomerulonephritis and decrease of renal function.


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