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Aim Study of myocardial remodeling type and risk factors of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) on peritoneal dialysis (PD).
Methods. 84 patients with CRF on PD (duration 6 - 64 months) were included into the study. Echocardiography, office blood pressure (BP) measurement, 24-hour BP monitoring were performed, hemoglobin, parathyroid hormone, and blood biochemical parameters were measured. 49 patients were examined iteratively (25 on PD, 14 - after renal transplantation, 10 - transferred to program hemodialysis).
Results. LVH was found in 79,8% patients. Left ventricular myocardial mass index was independently determined by duration of arterial hypertension, (р=0,04), office mean BP (р=0,03), daytime and night systolic (р=0,007 and р=0,006), diastolic (р=0,006 and р<0,001) and mean BP (р=0,007 and р<0,001) and their time indices (р=0,03 and р<0,001 for systolic BP, р<0,001 and р<0,001 for diastolic BO), as well as hemoglobin level (р<0,001) and serum concentrations of albumin (р=0,003) and total protein (р=0,004).
Conclusion. Systolo-dyastolic arterial hypertension, 24-hour BP curve abnormalities, anemia, hypalbuminemia and hypoproteinemia are main risk factors for LVH in PD patients


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