Stratifikatsiya riska razvitiya khronicheskoy bolezni pochek s pomoshch'yu anketirovaniya


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Aim. Estimation of prevalence of albuminuria (Au) as a marker of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and it's risk factors in general population by use of special surveys. Methods. In 1623 general population members (390 (24,0 %) male, 1233 (76,0 %) female, mean age 46 ± 16 years) dipstick urinalysis was performed; urinary albumin > 30 mg/l was considered as Au. Risk factors of CKd were revealed by special survey. Results. AU was found in > 40 % of patients, who applied to Health Centers. According to survey analysis results, the main complaints were peripheral oedema, chest pain, thirst, lack of appetite. 51 % of patients with arterial hypertension had Au. Diabetes or hyperglycemia history was associated with 65,5 % prevalence of Au. AU was found in 44 % overweight patients and in 49 % of patients with obesity. AU was found significantly more often in patients with analgesic abuse, with long history of smoking and in those with low physical activity. Conclusion. Risk of chronic kidney disease in general population can be estimated according to special surveys.

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