Peculiarities of functioning of the kidneys in overweight patients with essential hypertension


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Aim. The aim of the investigation was to study functioning of the kidneys in overweight patients with hypertension. Materials and methods. 80 patients with stage II hypertension, degree II, with high and very high risk were examined. The patients were randomised into two groups: group I (n=38 patients) having normal body weight and group II (n=42 patients) being overweight. Results. Overweight in the patients with HTN was accompanied by more unfavourable profile of blood pressure and manifested through reliably higher indices for average diurnal systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure. There was also impairment of the circadian rhythm: non-dippers and night-peakers were revealed reliably more often and there was greater variability of blood pressure patterns at different times of the day. In the patients with moderate HTN, there was the maximal systolic and minimal diastolic rate reduction at the level of the segmental artery with simultaneous increase in resistance indices. In the overweight patients these changes were reliably higher. The following signs of subclinical damage to the kidneys were revealed reliably more frequently in the overweight patients with HTN than in the patients of normal weight: hyperfiltration was determined in 10.5% patients of normal weight and in 38% overweight patients, p=0.0002; microalbuminuria was revealed in 21% patients of normal weight and in 45.2% overweight patients, p=0.002.

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