Primenenie preparatov eritropoetina u bol'nykh terminal'noy pochechnoy nedostatochnost'yu, nakhodyashchikhsya na programmnom gemodialize (rezul'taty mul'titsentrovogo observatsionnogo issledovaniya)




Purpose. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of EPO drug in patients treated with programmed hemodialysis in real clinical practice in Russia.
Material and methods. Observational, noninterventional study include 431 patients with terminal renal insufficiency treated with programmed hemodialysis for at least 12 months and regularly received EPO drug. The study was conducted in 11 hemodialysis centers. We have assessed the adequacy of management of patients and the adverse events rates.
Results. 49.9% of patients received Recormon, 36.7% - Eprex, 9.0% - Epocrin, and 4.4% of patients - Eralfon. When comparison of hemodialysis centers, we have observed significant differences in the survey protocol and management of patients, leading to reduction of efficacy of EPO drug. Correction of hemoglobin was used only in 21.2% of patients; 78.8% of patients received erythropoietin on conventional regimen. At a time when correction was used, target level of hemoglobin was achieved in 69% of patients. In contrast, target level of hemoglobin was achieved in 31% of patients only with "routine" administration of EPO drugs. Periods of achieving of target level of hemoglobin against the background of correction use were 3 times shorter compared with its absence.
Conclusion. The actual practice of use of EPO drugs in patients treated with programmed hemodialysis requires further optimization.


N Khasabov

N Hasabov


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