Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and it's etiological structure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis




Aim. Assessment of prevalence and ethiological structure of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.
Methods. 301 patients, hospitalized with RA in 2010, were screened for signs of CKD: estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) according to MDRD formula, creatininemia were determined, urinalysis, if indications persisted - proteinuria, ultrasound scanning of kidneys, Duplex scanning of renal arteries were performed.
Results. 84,7% of patients with RA demonstrated signs of CKD, in group of patients older than 60 years CKD was found in 96%.In 44,5% of patients with CKD only changes in urinalysis were found, but eGFR values were within normal ranges. In 59,2% of patients with RA CKD II stage was found. eGFR was associated with age, clinical stage and activity of RA, concomitant renal and cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion. CKD signs can be found frequently in patients with RA.


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