Immediate results of endovascular correction of renal artery stenosis



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Objective. evaluation of the immediate clinical results of endovascular correction of renal artery stenosis (ECRAS). material and methods. the immediate results of ecras were analyzed in 121 patients who underwent 147 interventions. all patients had arterial hypertension (ah), which was diagnosed in accordance with who recommendations (1999), and chronic kidney disease (CKD). ckd stage was assessed by glomerular filtration rate using the ckd-epi formula. a period of зо days was chosen as the immediate postoperative period. the results of ecras were evaluated at з and зо days after the intervention. efficiency of stent functioning or renal artery patency after angioplasty was analyzed, and serum creatinine (Cr) and blood pressure (bp) levels were compared before and after ecras. assessment of the functional state (patency) of the stent after the intervention was carried out by ultrasound dopplerography. results. з and зо days after the intervention, deaths and postoperative complications were not recorded. all ecras procedures were effective. the average cr level in the study group significantly decreased by 7.48 mmol/l after з days and by 10.84 mmol/l зо days after ecras (Wilcoxon test; p<0.001), as well as by з.08 mmol/l after зо days compared with the result on day з after ecras (Wilcoxon test; p<0.001). blood pressure level statistically significantly decreased after ecras (Wilcoxon test; p<0.001; sign test; p<0.001). conclusion. ecras is a safe intervention for the life of patients in the immediate postoperative period. the ecras method is highly effective in restoring and maintaining renal artery patency. the clinical efficacy of ecras consists both in maintaining and improving renal function, and in correcting the severity of hypertension.




Dmitry Popov

Ural State Medical University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Nursing Management Yekaterinburg, Russia

Svyatoslav Solodushkin

Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science Yekaterinburg, Russia

Aleksey Stolyar

Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital № 1

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Nephrology Department Yekaterinburg, Russia

Lyubov Shardina

Ural State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Nursing Management Yekaterinburg, Russia

Stanislav Shardin

Ural State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Nursing Management Yekaterinburg, Russia


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