Effect of candesartan on mean systemic blood pressure and pulmonary artery pressure levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis



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Aim. to estimate ability of candesartan to decrease mean systemic blood pressure (bp) and pulmonary artery pressure (pap) levels among patients on maintaining hemodialysis. material and methods. to perform prospective survey, 30 patients were randomized into two groups, taking candesartan and usual hypotensive drugs. results. at the end of study in patients that took angiotensin receptor blocker mean systemic bp and mean pap decline was registered (from 104,7±12,3 to 97,8±10,4 mm hg; P=0,03 and from 27 (26,4-32,5) to 22,7 (20,3-28,2) MM hg; p=0,02 respectively). in group which subjects received standard hypotensive drugs mean systemic bp and mean pap didn’t changed (100,2±ii and 101,3±12,i mm hg; p=0,58, and 29,5 (26,4-38,6) and 26,4 (23,4-31,3) mm hg; p=o,ii accordingly). adverse reactions as potassium and creatinine serum elevation were not registered (4,7±o,72 and 4,8±o,61 mmol/l; p=o,52, 749±143 and 749±131 MCMOL/L; P=0,98, RESPECTIVELY). Conclusion. Candesartan showed it’s efficacy and safety in lowering systemic bp and pap that elevated levels are predictors of unfavorable outcomes.




Kanatbek Dzheentaev

«Artificial kidney» unit, National center of cardiology and internal medicine named after Mirsaid Mirrakhimov

Email: jeen81@mail.ru
Nephrologist of the artificial kidney department Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan

Rysbek Kaliev

I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, chair of internal diseases

Email: karys2002@mail.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department Chair of Internal Diseases Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan


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