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The work considers the fundamental reasons and the mechanisms of ageing which can totally be taken up as the general system theory of ageing. This theory solves the problem of the global cause of ageing, gives the substantial definition to the phenomenon of ageing, and helps to describe the individual and population ageing biologically and informally mathematically. As well, the theory groups the set of partial ageing mechanisms into the definitely outlined general mechanisms which are the manifestation ways of the main ageing reason; it classifies the mechanisms of ageing and the means of the impact on them. As well, it permits to predict the effects of the influences on the ageing process.
The general theory of ageing developed hereby that can be assumed as the basis of the antiageing medicine doesn't contradict with the other relevant senescence theories and doesn't reject them but includes them as the component parts describing the separate mechanisms of ageing.
The theoretical developments put in the given work are assumed as the principle of the complex practical program "Antiageing" having been worked out in the cooperation with the leading specialists of the rehabilitation medicine association ASVOMED.

About the authors

V N Krut'ko

V I Dontsov


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Copyright (c) 2007 Krut'ko V.N., Dontsov V.I.

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