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There was lead the studying of the features of current of processes of exhaustion, interreplaceable restoration and rehabilitation of miners of Kuzbass. Significant prevalence of donosological conditions at miners is established. Interreplaceable restoration at miners depends on degree of exhaustion, the way and conditions of life, features of food behavior. Incompleteness of process of interreplaceable restoration at underground workers with donosological conditions is shown by preservation gomeostatical disbalance of the central and vegetative nervous systems, bodies of breath, nonspecific protection of organism. The system of preventive actions including optimization of feed and passage of rates of rehabilitation, including with use of nonconventional methods is scientifically proved.

About the authors

N N Davydova

N Yu Shibanova


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Copyright (c) 2008 Davydova N.N., Shibanova N.Y.

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