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The studies of protein composition of human plasma performed after space flights of various duration and at ground-based simulation studies, revealed changes in the percentage of б1- and б2-globulin electrophoretic fractions which can be the indicative of acute phase reaction. In order to obtain direct data on quantitative alterations of individual blood proteins which respond by decreased or accelerated synthesis during the acute phase reaction (positive and negative acute phase proteins correspondingly), the immunoturbidimetric measurements of several representatives of б1-and б2- globulin fractions during the 7-day "dry" immersion and recovery period were performed. The increase in б2-macroglobulin concentration occurred during the immersion, and б1-antitrypsin and б1-acid glycoprotein concentrations - in the post-immersion period, the profile of ceruloplasmin concentration showed two distinct peaks at both immersion and recovery stages. Apolipoprotein A values decreased throughout the immersion and the tendency to the restoration of pre-experimental levels appeared after the end of the immersion. Haptoglobin content increased drastically at the first immersion days, the elevated concentrations were registered till the end of the experiment. The results conform to the data from previous studies of fractional composition of plasma proteins.

About the authors

O N Larina

A M Bekker


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Copyright (c) 2007 Larina O.N., Bekker A.M.

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