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Biomechanical damages play the principal role in the formation of painful and myodystonic syndromes, considerably decrease the life's quality of the patients with dorso- pathies with osteochondrosis at the cervical part of the spinal column. Patients with dorsopathies of the cervical part of the spine should be passed the correction of the pathobiomecanics of the spinal-motor segments by the methods of the manual therapy and special remedial gymnastic. Such treatment leads to statistically significant removing of vertebral painful syndrome, to the optimization of the strength and tonus of muscles of regional muscular system, to the normalization of the location of main components of the spinal column that allows to reduce the degree of its deformation and to optimize its functioning.


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Copyright (c) 2008 Kokoulin A.G., Drobyshev V.A., Razinkin S.M.

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