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The partial atrophy of an optic nerve, is the reason of proof infringement of visual function and, as consequence, termless physical inability. In Russia the level of desease makes 0,32 on 10000 adult populations. It defines a urgency of search of effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Inspection of patients registration of pathological activity zones with use of device, «KPOTA», definition of visual acuity, borders of peripheral sight, doppler an orbital and central artery of a retina. On a background of spent treatment visual acuity has raised at patients at first three degrees. At I degrees on the average with 0,73±0,05 up to 0,89±0,06 (p<0,05), at II - on the average с 0,41±0,06 up to 0,58±0,06 (p<0,05), at III stady-on the average with 0,04±0,01 up to 0,08±0,01 (p<0,05). At IV stady degrees treatment was not effective. The tendency to increase in visual acuity as a result of treatment at I, II, III degrees are authentic (p<0,05).
The interrelation of visual acuity with quantity of pathologically active points is established. The received results of research have allowed to calculate factor of the forecast. Calculations were spent on the basis of the revealed strong degree of correlation dependence of dynamics ПА with a gain of speed of blood-groove Vsyst Counted factor of forecasting Кпрог under the following formula:
Kпрог=ПA/Vsyst, where ПА - pathological activity of orbital zones, Vsyst, - systolis speed of a blood-groove.
Registration of pathological activity zones in a complex with ophthalmologic, electrophysiological, researches allows to optimize results of rehabilitation of patients with a partial atrophy of an optic nerve.

About the authors

G Sh Abizgil'dina


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