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The chronobiological approach can be used for improvement of drain function of biliferous system and increase of efficiency of treatment of chronic opisthorchiasis. The diametrical galvanization on epigastric region after internal taking of cholagogic phytospecieswas conducted for this purpose. The most favorable time for orders of medical actions was the period of rising (from 09.30 to 10.30) or descending (from 13.00 to 14.00) phase of rhythmical activity of biliferous system. Received results have testified, that use of chronophysiotherapy in patients with chronic opisthorchiasis raise efficiency of conducting medical actions, and simplicity of this approach confirms its practical importance.

About the authors

E F Levitskiy

O A Poddubnaya


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Copyright (c) 2008 Levitskiy E.F., Poddubnaya O.A.

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