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On the basis of spectral analysis of data of variability of cardiac rhythm suppose that in the organism of professional sportsmen of speed and power types of sport and types of sport with development of muscular endurance in the spectral closeness of power of vibrations a role increases autonomous, and in the organism of youths, not going in for sports, the role of central contour of adjusting prevails.
Different regulator mechanisms lie in mobilization of reserve possibilities of organism of professional sportsmen on principle that specifies on the different effects of adaptation. For sportsmen, engaged in the speed and power types of sport, the central contour of adjusting of heart rate prevails. For sportsmen, with loading of the muscular endurance directed on development, the role of workings structures of autonomous contour of adjusting of operation of heart increases. That the large degree of intersystem homeostasis is exposed in the organism of sportsmen of speed and power types of sport. Thus, in the organism of sportsmen with loading on endurance, forming of adaptive reaction is cardiac vascular system carried out by a sine knot and kernels of n. vagus.

About the authors

O A Butova

S V Masalov

A E Tabulov


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Copyright (c) 2007 Butova O.A., Masalov S.V., Tabulov A.E.

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