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6,4% patients told about problems with urine outgoing in the daily life, some of them have had just a fey drops urine losing. Most of the wimen suppose that urogenital atrophy an aperient is normal sine of the body structure and have not gone to doctors. With physical work 44,2% patients were watched going down urine outgoing organs and urine injection. Urine disholding has progressed and was depended on the postmenopause period of time. Light state of urogenital diseases was watched among wimen with a menopausal period of time 9-15 years, middle and hard state urogenial diseases with a menopausal period of time 16-20 years.

About the authors

S V Shmeleva

V P Kartashev


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Copyright (c) 2008 Shmeleva S.V., Kartashev V.P.

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